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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

y0yoyoin;1765027; said:
exactly...especially if him and pryor are "friends", then we dont need one more distraction for pryor during the game...lebron and his buddies goofing around on the sideline, barely paying attention...this guy is a fucking disease....i wish he wouldnt even pretend to like ohio state and root for north carolina or Texas like the bitchass frontrunner he is

And knowing LeBron he will show up on the sideline wearing green and orange. Afterall, for the Penn State game a couple years ago he was on the sideline wearing blue.
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I would be disappointed in Ohio State if they granted a celebrity with no connection to the university (other than being a bandwagon fan) sideline access.

We're not USC. Our celebrities are Archie Griffin, Chris Spielman, Earle Bruce, Eddie George, Kirk Herbrstreit, etc... We shouldn't grant special favors to someone that has no more affinity or connection to Ohio State than Snoop Dogg or Will Farrell have to USC.

And we certainly don't need that distraction. Ohio State needs to just say, "thanks, but no thanks," and "please stay away for a while."
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OH10;1765137; said:
I would be disappointed in Ohio State if they granted a celebrity with no connection to the university (other than being a bandwagon fan) sideline access.

hasnt he been granted sideline access before?? Texas and Michigan in 06 or 08 come to mind

Whenever LeBron James wants to burnish his credibility as an Ohio sports fan, he knows where to turn. "I would've been a Buckeye. I'm a big Ohio State fan," the Cavaliers star said Thursday.

When Ohio State played a football game at Texas in 2006, James was on the sidelines. When talking about the Buckeyes on Thursday, he was dropping "we" in a way that should gratify the fans.
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OH10;1765137; said:
I would be disappointed in Ohio State if they granted a celebrity with no connection to the university (other than being a bandwagon fan) sideline access.

We're not USC. Our celebrities are Archie Griffin, Chris Spielman, Earle Bruce, Eddie George, Kirk Herbrstreit, etc... We shouldn't grant special favors to someone that has no more affinity or connection to Ohio State than Snoop Dogg or Will Farrell have to USC.

And we certainly don't need that distraction. Ohio State needs to just say, "thanks, but no thanks," and "please stay away for a while."

You forgot Richard Lewis

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y0yoyoin;1765138; said:
hasnt he been granted sideline access before?? Texas and Michigan in 06 or 08 come to mind

I didn't know that and that's maddeningly disappointing. Why would we whore ourselves out like that?

I'm so glad I will be at the game and not at home watching this one on television. Imagine all of the attention ABC/ESPN are going to give to Lebron's prescence. I'd probably throw something at the tv.

I have no intention of booing or even acknowledging this man. I'd rather not even know he's there. I just wish he would go away for a while and let things cool down a bit.
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i dont know his connections with the university besides maybe donating money to the school...we did or still do wear the LBJ23 logo on our jerseys for basketball so maybe this is the tie for his connection for being allowed on the sideline
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Ttown;1765100; said:
LeBron didn't do anything different than any other overpaid employee of the NBA wouldn't do.
The league is all entertainment so stop with the whining and crybabying already .

That's funny--I guess I missed where all of the "other overpaid employees of the NBA" had one-hour special entitled "The Decision" to announce that they were leaving their hometowns, which, by the way, they said they loved and to which they would bring a championship. Link?
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For my next trick, I'm going to throw my brother a huge birthday party and, as a special treat, invite his ex-fiancee who notified him they were breaking up by banging his best friend on a live Pay-Per-View broadcast.

sure hope my stupid brother shows some class when she drops by...
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buckeyesin07;1765208; said:
That's funny--I guess I missed where all of the "other overpaid employees of the NBA" had one-hour special entitled "The Decision" to announce that they were leaving their hometowns, which, by the way, they said they loved and to which they would bring a championship. Link?
Can you name the last player who declared he would play and stay in his "hometown" just because it is his hometown?
Carl Malone perhaps? What? 20 years ago? And that wasn't even his hometown.
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