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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

I hope LeBitch doesn't show up. If he starts getting booed it's going to distract TP and he's not going to have his mind on the game. The same rule applies here as when you have a bad break up. You don't go places if you know your ex will be there because you're just going to ruin everyone else's good time.
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DubCoffman62;1766193; said:
I hope LeBitch doesn't show up. If he starts getting booed it's going to distract TP and he's not going to have his mind on the game. The same rule applies here as when you have a bad break up. You don't go places if you know your ex will be there because you're just going to ruin everyone else's good time.

You're under the mistaken assumption that LePippen thinks the game is about TP and the Buckeyes rather than the Chosen One.
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Buckeneye;1766188; said:
Bullshit. Ohio might just be more of a football state, but just because Lebitch played in Cleveland didn't make him an less accepted anywhere else thought Ohio. He (was) beloved for being one of us, exceptional and what we thought loyal or a sense of true dedication.

The Cavs are the only NBA team here, he's a son of Ohio, (was actually) that made a commitment to his team, the city of Cleveland, its fans and the residents of this state about bringing a title back here.

I realize in some ways Columbus natives might "distance" themselves from the idea of Cleveland, but that's the complete opposite feeling up here. We embrace the Buckeyes because most of us we're raised 'All Ohio'.

It was the same with Bitchmade. He was going to be the local boy that brought a professional trophy back home. Didn't work out that way.

His presence on the sidelines is foolish not to mention selfish considering the time-line of the events that unfolded. It will draw unwanted/unnecessary media and fan attention.

He turned his back on this state, not just a team, the city or a few people - it was the entire fucking state.

Fuck him.

Broad brush stroke I think.... Columbus has more people not from Columbus in it. Im a Columbus native as was my father and we always related to Cleveland teams.... Southwest Ohio seems to have a culture of hating every thing Cleveland and sometimes C bus as well... Columbus in my best estimaton is 30% Browns 25% Bengals 20% Steelers the rest is the gay community (there is nothing wrong with that)
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Columbus in my best estimaton is 30% Browns 25% Bengals 20% Steelers the rest is the gay community (there is nothing wrong with that)

I agree somewhat with this statement but I would put the Browns at 50% and the other two at 20%. But for the 30+ years I've lived in Columbus, I would say ,at heat, we are a Reds and Browns town. After the Buckeyes, of course.
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BuckeyeTillIDie;1769116; said:
I don't think so. They showed Jeremey Shockey more than anyone else, for some reason.
They were hoping to catch him celebrating a U win in the first quarter when they had a temporary lead...
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1997Buckeye;1766797; said:
I agree somewhat with this statement but I would put the Browns at 50% and the other two at 20%. But for the 30+ years I've lived in Columbus, I would say ,at heat, we are a Reds and Browns town. After the Buckeyes, of course.

Agree with the Reds Browns statement I was born and raised here and im the same way. Must of had to do with TV coverage in the 80's...
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I'm pretty sure i caught glimpse of him talking to Edgerrin James on the Miami sidelines, I saw a half assed beard... can't confirm but i think it was him.

But i did see the sign at the end of the game saying Miami can have LeBron, real heroes wear scarlet and gray (or something to that affect)
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AuTX Buckeye;1769127; said:
I'm pretty sure i caught glimpse of him talking to Edgerrin James on the Miami sidelines, I saw a half assed beard... can't confirm but i think it was him.

But i did see the sign at the end of the game saying Miami can have LeBron, real heroes wear scarlet and gray (or something to that affect)

He didnt show.... they actually reported that on our local radio before hand... cameras would have been all in his ball sack if he had
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leroyjenkins;1769138; said:
According to Common Man and Torg (on the post game show), Lebron wanted a full police escort, and was denied, so he didnt show. No link, just heard it.....

Honestly, it's my supreme wish that he was quietly told to stay away by the administration. If not, they certainly vetoed his police request.

Apparently just showing up wouldn't have turned it into enough of "The Lebron Show." He needed a full presidential escort to draw the proper attention. This guy needs serious psychological evaluation. This is a narcissistic disorder that far transcends the usual pro athlete bull[censored]. I seriously think he has a messiah complex--the "chosen 1" tat, the six story Jesus pose on the building, The Decision.
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