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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

billmac91;1745680; said:
Maybe you're unfamiliar with how the Cleveland curse works.....LeBron will most definately win a ring in Miami.

The only positive will be listening to every analyst and fan ripping him for rigging the league to win it. He can't win either way...

I agree. I think he'll win a ton of rings in Miami. That's just how it works.

... which has me confused by the whole "motivated by the doubters" thing. Who is doubting that a team with arguably 3 of the top 12 players in the league, including the reigning two-time MVP, is going to win championships?

People aren't ripping the Heat's ability to win rings. They are ripping Mrs. Wade for everything that he's done for the past 3 years+ to get to this point. Making false promises; failing to recruit free agents; quitting in the playoffs; ignoring calls from the Cavs; leaving on national television; and leaving like a bitch to play on a team with 2 of the players that should be providing him the most competition.

Bottom Line: He's a P.U.S.S.Y. He's still a great basketball player, but he is most certainly that. And that's not going to change even if he wins 10 titles.
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WolverineMike;1745686; said:
league was rigged before he did it. let's not act like Bron is the first player to jump ship to a better team or throw a fit to get better players around him.

still coming across like an ass though.

Maybe you missed the article where LeBron convinced D-Wade and RuPaul to sign 3 year deals in the summer of 2007 so they could all be free agents and deceide where to play in the summer of 2010. LeBron has known he was gone since 2007, and his play refelected that when it came time to win championships.

He never threw a fit to get players around him...in fact he pushed players away by not committing to the Cavs. No one wanted to play here, b/c they knew he was gone. If he wanted a solid core around him, he'd of had it.

But it's funny he becomes the best NBA FA recruiter as soon as he's in SOBE. Scratch that, even before he's in SOBE. His cronies were recruting vets to the Heat even before his decesion according to multiple insiders. But Mrs. Wade can't even convince Ron Artest or Trevor Ariza to come to the Cavs. He's a piece of garbage...
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y0yoyoin;1745710; said:
holy [censored] here comes another 15 pages

I don't get it honestly. This isn't a complicated matter. LeBron announced he's a woman on live TV and needs to ride the coattails of others, while reinforcing what many have thought about him the last 7 years. He never wanted to play in Cleveland, he just talked the talk to build his brand and become a global icon. If he wanted championships in Cleveland he could of had them or delivered them by committing to the city. He never did, he convinced other NBA players to sign short-term deals so they could build an AAU squad in Miami, and is now recruiting harder than ever for players even though he wouldn't do it as a Cavalier.

What am I missing? Seems fairly straight-forward to me.
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billmac91;1745730; said:
I don't get it honestly. This isn't a complicated matter. LeBron announced he's a woman on live TV and needs to ride the coattails of others, while reinforcing what many have thought about him the last 7 years. He never wanted to play in Cleveland, he just talked the talk to build his brand and become a global icon. If he wanted championships in Cleveland he could of had them or delivered them by committing to the city. He never did, he convinced other NBA players to sign short-term deals so build an AAU squad in Miami, and is now recruiting harder than ever for players even though he wouldn't do it as a Cavalier.

What am I missing? Seems fairly straight-forward to me.

Well when you put it like that. Fuuuuuck him
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Can we get a vbet on what happens first. Lebron get's a DUI, gets caught banging someone other than his baby momma, has an on court breakdown because he realizes that he is a complete tool, or wins a ring.
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I was talking about guys like Shaq jumping to LA from Orlando. Kobe demanding trades and giving up in games to show how bad his team needs him so they'll go out and get him Pau. AI wanting out of Philly, Gary Payton/Karl Malone jumping to LA, Barkley jumping to Houston...........

my point was he isn't the first and he won't be the last
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WolverineMike;1745797; said:
I was talking about guys like Shaq jumping to LA from Orlando. Kobe demanding trades and giving up in games to show how bad his team needs him so they'll go out and get him Pau. AI wanting out of Philly, Gary Payton/Karl Malone jumping to LA, Barkley jumping to Houston...........

my point was he isn't the first and he won't be the last

Shaq left for LA purely for fame and fortune. He claimed it was for rings. It was BS. He got lucky that Kobe developed as a player during his time there or he'd have never won anything. I hated that move, but at least he didn't ever want to accept a backseat during his prime.

Kobe made his point; got his man; and stayed with his team. If Lebron was trying to make a point in Game 5, I'm not sure what it was because he certainly wasn't trying to get the Cavs to do anything - he already knew he was gone so there was no message to send.

Barkley, Malone and Payton were all in the twilights of their careers, much like Z. People understand that kind of move to get a ring when you couldn't get one on your own. I don't recall much, if any, animosity towards those people - and for good reason.

In short, all of your objections are noted and overruled. Anything else you want to throw on the wall to see if it sticks?
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billmac91;1745680; said:
Maybe you're unfamiliar with how the Cleveland curse works.....LeBron will most definately win a ring in Miami.

The only positive will be listening to every analyst and fan ripping him for rigging the league to win it. He can't win either way...

And somewhere, MJ is lighting up a gigantic Cuban and chuckling, "best ever, my fucking ass!"
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for real, there's been a post in this thread almost every day, or every other day since "the decision." And if this thread was dying, it was brought back by whoever posted Brons tweet about taking note of who was talking ish about him.

guys posting in the thread talking ish about guys posting in the thread. that doesn't seem like the way to let it die either......LMAO. There's your pot meeting kettle, bro.
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