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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

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Be sure to put me on the list fucktard. I expect the Quitter's hubby to be showing up at my door to defend his wife's honor. I honestly think that he doesn't understand the hatred that is coming his way from this area. Contrary to the article about his trip to Cedar Point I heard he got chased out by angry fans. He might have wanted to talk to Art Modell before "The Decision".
It will be interesting to see how Bitch Wade handles not getting call every time he goes to the hoop. I have the feeling NBA refs will start to call these 3 the same way they call the rest of the league.
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Statements such as LBJ's carry a lot more weight when they're actually made by someone who has heart and that champion drive to be a winner (e.g., Jordan, Kobe). When it comes from a quitter, not so much. When the chips are on the table, there'll be a Game 5 repeat.
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Statements such as "the list" carry a lot more weight when they're actually made by someone who has heart and that champion drive to be a winner (e.g., Jordan, Kobe). When it comes from a quitter, not so much. When the chips are on the table, there'll be a Game 5 repeat.
what makes you so sure? I thought the sentiment here was that he quit on the team because he knew he was gone. That perfect storm isn't happening again.
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BuckeyeNation27;1745601; said:
what makes you so sure? I thought the sentiment here was that he quit on the team because he knew he was gone. That perfect storm isn't happening again.

I agree with this to an extent. He sold out to play Robin to D-Wade's batman so he doesn't have to worry about closing out games though. That's kind of the point, he obviously doesn't feel like he's good enough to be the leader of a team, so now he's Mrs. Wade.

I guess the way I see it, is even if he craps himself in the playoffs against a physical Boston team or future challenger, D-wade will be there to protect his wife with some help from RuPaul. Regardless of how Mrs. Wade plays, they should be good enough to win titles. And regardless of how Mrs. Wade plays, he'll never get any credit for winning titles. He could put up 50 a game or 10 a game, and people will still discredit it. I still don't think she understands this concept...
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OH10;1745626; said:
I like how this thread went quiet for a little while, and then when people start posting in it again, here come WolverineMike and BN27 to Lebron's rescue. Don't worry guys, Mrs. Wade is taking mental notes of your love and devotion.

BN27 wasn't sticking up for Lebron James. Just pointing out the obvious....the fact that most people in this thread said LBJ quit game 5 because he wanted to move to Miami. If that was the case, why would he quit on Miami? He has a 6 year deal right? I guess we'll have to wait until 2016 to see if he quits on them. (feel free to edit your post to add Tlangs to the group of poeple that start posting again.)
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Tlangs;1745669; said:
BN27 wasn't sticking up for Lebron James. Just pointing out the obvious....the fact that most people in this thread said LBJ quit game 5 because he wanted to move to Miami. If that was the case, why would he quit on Miami? He has a 6 year deal right? I guess we'll have to wait until 2016 to see if he quits on them. (feel free to edit your post to add Tlangs to the group of poeple that start posting again.)

Done. I was sorry to have left you out.

If Tron wasn't banned, I'm sure he'd be right here as well.

As much as you guys are viewing the Lebron hating as pathetic, your trolling attempts are just as, if not more, pathetic. But keep 'em coming. It makes the thread interesting to have you here as the Quitness' Advocate.
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Will Miami spell disaster for LeBron James, girlfriend? - Page 2 - ESPN
"A person like myself always needs a great sidekick and a person you can rely on no matter the circumstances. And she's that," James told Harper's. "She's got my back, and I love her for that."
Sidekick? Ouch. So does that mean his kids are his assistants?
I'm not saying the 25-year-old James was obligated to profess his eternal love for Brinson, but he certainly gave every indication that he's in no rush to crown a queen.

LeBron's Summer of Wrong - TrueHoop Blog - ESPN

LeBron James is lucky this is the NBA, not "Gladiator," because he clearly has lost the crowd. Every move he's made this summer has turned against him.

The latest example was the reaction to the tweet he sent out Tuesday evening, the one that said: "Don't think for one min that I haven't been taking mental notes of everyone taking shots at me this summer. And I mean everyone!"

It was panned all over Twitter, most succinctly by the reply I received that said "[bleep] him." (There was one great side effect: it spawned a hilarious run of #bronsmentalnotes by Myles Brown on his @mdotbrown feed.)

Chris Bosh says LeBron James using doubters, critics for fuel to perform - ESPN

In an interview Wednesday on ESPN Radio's "Mike and Mike in the Morning," James' new teammate Chris Bosh said James is using criticism about his departure from Cleveland "as fuel to do well next season."
"We're always all aware of what we do and how critics can be out there sometimes," Bosh said. "[James] uses it to fuel his ambition to win next year. I think we're going to have a lot of doubters. But that's fine, you know, that's a part of the game. As long as we come together and play the game the way it's supposed to be played I think we're going to be successful."
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BrutusBuckeyeAZ;1745677; said:
The best revenge we will have against QUEEN James is that he went to Miami and he will never win a RING!!!!

Maybe you're unfamiliar with how the Cleveland curse works.....LeBron will most definately win a ring in Miami.

The only positive will be listening to every analyst and fan ripping him for rigging the league to win it. He can't win either way...
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