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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

localyokel;1744994; said:
And now for your daily emetic:

JVG: ‘Indefensible’ Heat Beat Bulls 72-Win Season | Yardbarker.com

It is impossible to fully express how ardently I do not want Van Gundy's prediction to be true.

I think if they become so dominant its stupid it would have a bad effect on the NBA... people would eventually be like.... "is this what we have come to??? these dicks stacked the deck so bad that the league turned into the Harlem Globe Trotters"
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bassbuckeye07;1745001; said:
I think if they become so dominant its stupid it would have a bad effect on the NBA... people would eventually be like.... "is this what we have come to??? these dicks stacked the deck so bad that the league turned into the Harlem Globe Trotters"
It's already there for me...and many others. The nba will continue to thrive with the younger audience. But for many people who actually grew up loving REAL basketball, not a bunch of spoiled, aau bred egomaniacs bitching at officials for 48 minutes, it's over. I've had many issues with the nba for years now as the product they put out has gotten progressively worse. I watched about three minutes of the conference finals and none of the finals. This offseason was the last straw. I'm tuning out and giving more interest to hockey.
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NFBuck;1745251; said:
It's already there for me...and many others. The nba will continue to thrive with the younger audience. But for many people who actually grew up loving REAL basketball, not a bunch of spoiled, aau bred egomaniacs bitching at officials for 48 minutes, it's over. I've had many issues with the nba for years now as the product they put out has gotten progressively worse. I watched about three minutes of the conference finals and none of the finals. This offseason was the last straw. I'm tuning out and giving more interest to hockey.

I do agree that basketball has changed even over the past 10-15 years. Once all these young gun talents coming straight of high school every year and now the one-and-done's it changed basketball for the worst. No one grows up with learning the fundamentals of playing good hard basketball on both offense and defensive. I really the NBA and NCAA need to get together and make basketball players stay until their junior year (like the NFL). Otherwise the NBA, which it is already becoming, will be a giant street ball game. Which fun for awhile but not a whole season's worth.

I also agree that Americans needs to become more interested in hockey and soccer. Those are two of the biggest sports in the world (along with cricket and rugby) and the US doesn't really care that much unless it is on a world stage like the Olympics or World Cup.
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OSUScoonie12;1745337; said:
I also agree that Americans needs to become more interested in hockey and soccer. Those are two of the biggest sports in the world (along with cricket and rugby) and the US doesn't really care that much unless it is on a world stage like the Olympics or World Cup.
No. l will watch college basketball. I don't care what the rest of world does or thinks. Hockey and soccer :shake:

To add to the thread at hand...
Don't think for one min that I haven't been taking mental notes of everyone taking shots at me this summer. And I mean everyone! about 1 hour ago via UberTwitter
Now he is someone that should start liking hockey and soccer. I hope he remembers that one.
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WolverineMike;1745429; said:
dude's going to unleash hell next season. Just like kobe did after he got away with rape, he's going to be so angry at what everyone has been saying, it won't surprise me if he just kills people on the court next season.

Ehh....it'll be hard to sustain when he has to keep his husband and RuPaul happy. That's the downside to playing on an all-star team. He'll put up career Scottie Pippen type numbers next year.
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It's nice of LeBron to keep his girlfriend and kids in Cleveland while he lives alone in Miami. This is a terrific decesion for himself and his family. Why would the kids want dad around, or even better yet, move to South Beach with him?

I'm sure Bryce, LeBron Jr., and Savannah are jumping for joy as LeBron moves into a condo not far from wild sexy parties at D-Wades place. Obviously family was the most important factor in "the decesion".
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billmac91;1745455; said:
It's nice of LeBron to keep his girlfriend and kids in Cleveland while he lives alone in Miami. This is a terrific decesion for himself and his family. Why would the kids want dad around, or even better yet, move to South Beach with him?

I'm sure Bryce, LeBron Jr., and Savannah are jumping for joy as LeBron moves into a condo not far from wild sexy parties at D-Wades place. Obviously family was the most important factor in "the decesion".

I hadn't heard this. Very sad. This whole drama has mental melt-down written all over it. LeBron is "King" of basketball. Maybe he wants to supplant Tiger as the biggest F-up in the sports world.
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What does this even mean?? He made an awful decesion to go to Miami. What are people supposed to say? Is Charles Barkley supposed to say "Congrats on your decesion LeBron, you'll now forever be looked at as someone unwilling to compete or be a leader. When you win multiple rings in Miami, everyone will comment on how you rigged the league and took the easy way out. I was once the most hated player in the NBA, so I certainly appreciate the ferocity with which you've become one of the most hated men in sports. It took me years, it took you an hour-long special. Again, congrats."

LeBron is an ass.
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