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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

Honestly I don't even care anymore. Obviously I wish nothing but knee injuries on the guy - and to never win a ring in his career - but that's it. I'm sure he'll continue to find ways to put his face in the NE Ohio media though.
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Wells4Heisman;1744070; said:
Your telling me your not a fan of a team led by Mo Williams and Antwan Jamison?

I never said i wasn't. I was just merely stating that the season ticket holders were forced to renew long before free agency started. That is why I said next year may be different. People love the Browns, and Cleveland will always be a football town, but if the Cavs dont win, the ticket sales will be lagging. Its not a statement on the team, more so the fans and the economy. My buddy owns season tickets to re-sale them because we both live here in Texas. He said he's if he's going to renew next year.
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FUK LBJ T-shirts ... that was fast! - Grooveeffect


For your buying pleasure.
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bassbuckeye07;1744074; said:
His fucking chin strap beard has got to go.......... dont get me wrong Im all for a good beard... but not one that looks like my riddel strap for concussion protection from sixth grade.... and that was in 1986

Maybe he is also taking his talents to the Amish? My mind's eye sees a hilarious photoshop of Wade's Babe in full Amish gear.
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