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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

That Posnanski artcle is like chicken soup for the Cleveland sports fan soul. Its amazing to me that people who spend so much of their time and energy watching, debating and worrying about sports could possibly dismiss Cleveland anger as a simple matter of sour grapes. (And yes that includes the 3 no-lifes that continue to troll this thread). Sports are a way of of life in this country, in this state and in the City of Cleveland. That may sound pathetic to a poor farmer from Nepal. But it should resonate here.

My anger has gotten worse and I wish that weren't the case. I simply cannot understand the callous manner in which this regional "hero" could have treated the city and the region that loved him for 7 years. After 45 years of losing, and two other presently poorly performing franchises, there simply wasn't any cushion for the fall. Anger? Some people have no idea.
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I love Cleveland. I identify with it, have a certain mentality from living there, and wouldn't change it for the world.

Fuck LeBron. I didn't get on national TV and say "Fuck you LeBron". He got on national TV and said "Fuck you Bill". Right in my face with Jim Grey juggling his balls. For that he's a piece of shit.

Fuck Mrs. Wade. Fuck him for not liking the Browns b/c they didn't win a Super Bowl while he was a teenager. Fuck him for not liking the Cavs growing up b/c they didn't win a championship while he was an adolescent. Fuck him for LIKING Ohio State only b/c they won a championship in 2002.

Shame on me for ignoring all the signs. Shame on me for buying into his "brand". Shame on me for thinking he could get Cleveland the title it's starving for....but fuck him for being the BIGGEST COCK-TEASE in the history of sports. "I won't leave until I bring Cleveland a champioship", "Cleveland has an edge", "Ohio is my home".

This is like a kid growing up in Columbus, going to Ohio State and achieving All-American status for 3 years, and then transferring to Texas b/c a few high school buddies are playing there and he thinks he can win a championship there. Even though Ohio State has entered the pre-season in his sophmore and junior years as pre-season #1.

I've said it before...LeBron will win titles. It's how this fucking situation works and plays out. He just will...probably multiple b/c the work isn't done until Cleveland has to see the traitor rejoice in their bullshit....but I'd love to see him rip a knee. I'd normally be ashamed to say that. I have a better head on my shoulders than to feel that way. I've never wished injury on anyone, even Charles Woodson. But Fuck #6. Catch a terrible disease. Fuck you for saying "fuck you" to me on ESPN. It's bad enough you left, but you just had to name your deprture "The Decesion" to pour salt in the wound? Congrats dickhead. Now break a leg...literally.
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Tonyank;1739821; said:

Best part of the video is that there are Yankees fans that are clearly being left alone and ignored. That would be the appropriate comparison some are trying to make--how Cleveland fans were reacting to Yankee fans, not this douche wearing a LeBron jersey.

billmac91;1739832; said:
I love Cleveland. I identify with it, have a certain mentality from living there, and wouldn't change it for the world.

[censored] LeBron. I didn't get on national TV and say "[censored] you LeBron". He got on national TV and said "[censored] you Bill". Right in my face with Jim Grey juggling his balls. For that he's a piece of [censored].

[censored] Mrs. Wade. [censored] him for not liking the Browns b/c they didn't win a Super Bowl while he was a teenager. [censored] him for not liking the Cavs growing up b/c they didn't win a championship while he was an adolescent. [censored] him for LIKING Ohio State only b/c they won a championship in 2002.

Shame on me for ignoring all the signs. Shame on me for buying into his "brand". Shame on me for thinking he could get Cleveland the title it's starving for....but [censored] him for being the BIGGEST COCK-TEASE in the history of sports. "I won't leave until I bring Cleveland a champioship", "Cleveland has an edge", "Ohio is my home".

This is like a kid growing up in Columbus, going to Ohio State and achieving All-American status for 3 years, and then transferring to Texas b/c a few high school buddies are playing there and he thinks he can win a championship there. Even though Ohio State has entered the pre-season in his sophmore and junior years as pre-season #1.

I've said it before...LeBron will win titles. It's how this [censored]ing situation works and plays out. He just will...probably multiple b/c the work isn't done until Cleveland has to see the traitor rejoice in their bull[censored]....but I'd love to see him rip a knee. I'd normally be ashamed to say that. I have a better head on my shoulders than to feel that way. I've never wished injury on anyone, even Charles Woodson. But [censored] #6. Catch a terrible disease. [censored] you for saying "[censored] you" to me on ESPN. It's bad enough you left, but you just had to name your deprture "The Decesion" to pour salt in the wound? Congrats dickhead. Now break a leg...literally.

Happy I'm not the only one that feels this way.
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ESPN Says Story on LeBron James' Las Vegas Exploits Will Not Run -- NBA FanHouse

A story on the doings of LeBron James while he and other NBA players were in Las Vegas last weekend will not run on ESPN.com because the reporter did not identify himself as a reporter, an ESPN executive said Thursday.

Rob King, vice president and editor in chief of ESPN Digital Media, said in a statement issued by the company that Arash Markazi, a Los Angeles-based columnist, did not "properly identify himself as a reporter or clearly state his intentions to write a story."

"As a result, we are not comfortable with the content, even in an edited version, because of the manner in which the story was reported," King said in the statement.
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This guy has seriously gone "Hulk Hogan" when he joined the NWO. It's like he's purposely trying to become known as the biggest asshole in the world.

LeBron's thank you letter to the city of Akron, without a single mention of Cleveland. And after Z's heartfelt thank you.

LeBron James takes out newspaper ad to thank Akron | cleveland.com

"To My Family, Friends and Fans in Akron:
"For all my life, I have lived in Akron -- and for that, I am truly a lucky man.
"It was here where I first learned how to play basketball, and where I met the people who would become my lifelong friends and mentors. Their guidance, encouragement and support will always be with me.
"Akron is my home, and the central focus of my life. It's where I started, and it's where I will always come back to. You can be sure that I will continue to do everything I can for this city, which is so important to my family and me. Thank you for your love and support. You mean everything to me."

Can't wait for the additional coverage on LeBron just sticking it to Cleveland and its fans. Is he intentionally trying to make people hate him??
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