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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

osugrad21;1739647; said:
Then there is zero point of you being in this thread.

The point of me being in the thread is as a basketball fan. LBJ has been shoved down my throat for the past 10-11 years.

I'm just trying to play devils advocate here and call out bullshit when I see it and I failed. I seen that I have crossed the line and will bow out.
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The kid was confused because, in the past, fans at Cleveland Indians games have been more tolerant of shows of support for the opposition...like when LeaverBraun showed up for the play-offs sporting a dandy Yankees cap. I started hating on him then.
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WolverineMike;1739668; said:
LMAO, how is the chick not throwing bows the main part of the story. She went out like a champ, he went out like b1tch. I guess he is a Lebron fan....LMAO

also, wasn't it ironic that he looked a lot like Delonte?.....LOL
I thought that too. :lol: Just being a proud papa, I guess...
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trying going to a browns game in cleveland with a steelers jersey on when they aren't playing the steelers...same reactions and same results
That's sad. It's not hate speach, it's a team jersey. I got things thrown on me in 2005 at Penn State because I was wearing an OSU jersey. I didn't provoke anything aside from wearing the other team's colors. In 2003 my mom had beer poured (not spilled, poured) on her head because she applauded when we scored a TD. I'd like to think some of the people in this thread who I respect would be above such behavior, which is why I'm as disappointed or as "vocal" as I have been. I think Lebron is a dick just like the rest of you, but I don't let it cloud my judgment and actions.
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BuckeyeNation27;1739676; said:
That's sad. It's not hate speach, it's a team jersey. I got things thrown on me in 2005 at Penn State because I was wearing an OSU jersey. I didn't provoke anything aside from wearing the other team's colors. In 2003 my mom had beer poured (not spilled, poured) on her head because she applauded when we scored a TD. I'd like to think some of the people in this thread who I respect would be above such behavior, which is why I'm as disappointed or as "vocal" as I have been. I think Lebron is a dick just like the rest of you, but I don't let it cloud my judgment and actions.

You know what, you're right. He was just supporting the Yankees by wearing a Quitness jersey. He didn't have any Yankee gear at home, but he had this old dusty jersey with a connection to the team because the a-hole on it likes the Yankees. So, really, Cleveland fans are just like Penn State fans or Mexican soccer fans.

Why can't we just let the opposition support their team? You know, since I'm sure that's what he was doing.
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You know what, you're right. He was just supporting the Yankees by wearing a Quitness jersey. He didn't have any Yankee gear at home, but he had this old dusty jersey with a connection to the team because the a-hole on it likes the Yankees. So, really, Cleveland fans are just like Penn State fans or Mexican soccer fans.

Why can't we just let the opposition support their team? You know, since I'm sure that's what he was doing.
your love for the Cavs is clouding what I'm saying, but you're not one of the people I mentioned earlier so I don't really care either way how you take it.
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There's apparently a video of an Akron DJ seeing Lebron in Vegas sometime this past week. The DJ says "Akron Loves You Lebron". Lebron turns, looks at him, and flicks him off. Fuckoff Lebron, you're a bitch.
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BuckeyeNation27;1739694; said:
your love for the Cavs is clouding what I'm saying, but you're not one of the people I mentioned earlier so I don't really care either way how you take it.

That's bullshit. You want everyone to take it that way. Why the fuck else have you continued to post in a thread for an athlete playing a sport you say you don't even watch. Your lack of genuity makes your baiting that much more pathetic.
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jlb1705;1739765; said:
Joe Posnanski of SI, as usual, has written another good article:

Joe Posnanski ? Posts A Boulevard Called Chagrin ?

And yes, he IS from Cleveland.

great article...people who arent from the area and have no idea of what us cleveland fans have gone thru will never understand why we would heckle someone to the point of having him removed from a baseball game...i guess thats why we can go on another 100 pages in this thread and we will still not be able to get our point across to the people who dont understand the cleveland fan...i think its better to not even try anymore
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