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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

I know what you mean. It is kinda like the guy who keeps popping up in a thread on a message board to throw out little jabs for attention. He is looking for a reaction then acts as though he doesn't understand why folks get riled up over something so stupid.

Pfft. Losers.
I'm hardly tiboring this thread. As I type this I'm wearing an OSU tshirt in an office filled with people who went to penn state. I don't think the building has security though.....so I guess I should fear for my safety.
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BuckeyeNation27;1739591; said:
I'm hardly tiboring this thread. As I type this I'm wearing an OSU tshirt in an office filled with people who went to penn state. I don't think the building has security though.....so I guess I should fear for my safety.
If they try conducting message board experiments, let us know...
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BuckeyeNation27;1739591; said:
I'm hardly tiboring this thread. As I type this I'm wearing an OSU tshirt in an office filled with people who went to penn state. I don't think the building has security though.....so I guess I should fear for my safety.


Great comparison. You are much more intelligent than that. You are trolling this thread. Its not very hard to see. You are above that. We can handle this further in PMs if needed, but I hope you will just leave it alone.

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BuckeyeNation27;1739603; said:
I'm absolutely not trolling. A guy intentionally wore something to piss people off....I get that. But the reaction is so far and above what should be acceptable that it isn't trolling when that gets pointed out.

You have been trolling this thread for 2 weeks. The guy knew what was going to happen. The reaction is absolutely above and beyond, but it was expected by all parties. Your comments in this thread are in the same boat...you are looking for a reaction. Now you have one. We used to have an option to ban users from specific threads...a few of you would have been removed weeks ago. Now stop the BS.
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osugrad21;1739599; said:
You are trolling ...
You say that as though it's a bad thing. :huh:

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BuckeyeNation27;1739547; said:
or the people who get worked up into a frenzy over some cloth...

I bet he just sat on his hands all night in his LeBron jersey...I doubt he provoked anyone at all. Look at him, looks like a wholesome guy. He doesn't look like an attention whore at all. I'm sure he had no intention of drawing a reaction in his fresh #6 jersey...just wanted to wear his new threads.

I see where you're coming from BN27.
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I bet he just sat on his hands all night in his LeBron jersey...I doubt he provoked anyone at all. Look at him, looks like a wholesome guy. He doesn't look like an attention whore at all. I'm sure he had no intention of drawing a reaction in his fresh #6 jersey...just wanted to wear his new threads.

I see where you're coming from BN27.
The discussion isn't about his actions, it's about his shirt. If he was being a loudmouth asshole the whole time, then kick him out and I wouldn't begrudge anybody from wanting to punch his face in. But the supposition here is that he's being screamed at because of the shirt he's wearing. That's a little overboard.
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BuckeyeNation27;1739616; said:
But the supposition here is that he's being screamed at because of the shirt he's wearing. That's a little overboard.

so your saying if i go to church this sunday that its ok to wear a Deicide shirt that says "Hail Satan: 666"...or like in the movie die hard 3 where bruce willis has to go into Harlem with a advertisement board that has racist slang on it this is ok too?...its just a piece of cloth right? no reason for people to get upset because of one asshole
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