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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

Tlangs;1739623; said:
This analogy is awesome. It compares being a racist and a Satanist to wearing a Jersey.

No, it compares wearing a shirt or a sandwich board to a jersey


It compares being a satanist or a racist to an LBJ/Heat fan.

I prefer the latter. :biggrin:
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TRON 2.0;1739608; said:
All I asked was how would anyone here would know what Kobe has been doing during the off season compared to James. If that's trolling then, ill drop it.
Seriously? That's the one and only thing you've done?

Just be honest, you are looking for a reaction as much as 27 is. Don't bullshit us here in the No Bullshit zone

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While those are extreme examples, they're all being done to evoke a reaction. It did.

Some of your needs to run in here and defend every different aspect of this situation is puzzling, especially when there was hardly any posts from some of the suspect parties before Mrs. Wade "took her talents to South Beach".
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so your saying if i go to church this sunday that its ok to wear a Deicide shirt that says "Hail Satan: 666"...or like in the movie die hard 3 where bruce willis has to go into Harlem with a advertisement board that has racist slang on it this is ok too?...its just a piece of cloth right? no reason for people to get upset because of one asshole
That's such a terrible comparison, you should be ashamed.
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BuckBackHome;1738673; said:
Or on the Akron City Council - Akron City Council approves resolution supporting LeBron James

Ohio.com - Akron City Council approves resolution supporting LeBron James

''Hopefully, he will continue to do things for Akron as he continues on his quest to be great,''

duh! There you have the explanation for this sniveling, sycophantic resolution.

Three members of the LeBron James Grandmothers Fan Club, wearing their burgundy shirts with gold crowns on them, spoke in support of the resolution.

An organization obviously inspired by the fact that any one of their members might, as far as anybody including Gloria knows, indeed be LBJ's actual paternal grandmother.

A copy of council's resolution will be sent to James at his home in Bath Township.

Yeah. How's that gonna work out, do you s'pose?

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NFBuck;1739631; said:
they're all being done to evoke a reaction. It did.

I thought that was the reason behind message boards?

Sorry you don't agree with what I say, but just because you call it something don't make it so.

I try to bring up points from a outsiders view. I could give a shit less what LBJ does and I really don't see why grown ass folk make such a fuss over it. I understand being upset and pissed is one thing, but some of you are just taking this way too far and it's come down to a pissing contest and internet skillz.
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TRON 2.0;1739644; said:
I thought that was the reason behind message boards?

Sorry you don't agree with what I say, but just because you call it something don't make it so.

I try to bring up points from a outsiders view. I could give a shit less what LBJ does and I really don't see why grown ass folk make such a fuss over it. I understand being upset and pissed is one thing, but some of you are just taking this way too far and it's come down to a pissing contest and internet skillz.
I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the examples listed above and how they're similar to what this kid did at the Indians game. But, since you made this post, we've gone too far? You know this is a thread full of angry people who don't want to hear any defense of this asshole, yet you (and others) keep posting in the same manner even though you know where it'll lead. Seems a little silly to me. So again, who's going too far?
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TRON 2.0;1739644; said:
I thought that was the reason behind message boards?

Sorry you don't agree with what I say, but just because you call it something don't make it so.

I try to bring up points from a outsiders view. I could give a shit less what LBJ does and I really don't see why grown ass folk make such a fuss over it. I understand being upset and pissed is one thing, but some of you are just taking this way too far and it's come down to a pissing contest and internet skillz.

Can't you just let them hate the guy in peace? Why is it so bothersome to you that Cavs fans now harbor a rather over-the-top disdain for LBJ? Is it really hurting anyone if anonymous internet poster X hopes LeBron James dies in a fiery car crash?
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TRON 2.0;1739644; said:
I try to bring up points from a outsiders view. I could give a shit less what LBJ does and I really don't see why grown ass folk make such a fuss over it. I understand being upset and pissed is one thing, but some of you are just taking this way too far and it's come down to a pissing contest and internet skillz.

Then there is zero point of you being in this thread.

Given your history and our tolerance of your presence, I would think you would tread lightly. Yet, you continue to toe the line.

You've been warned by BB73 once. Now I'm giving you a final chance. Next little jab will be your last for a while.

Your move.
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BuckeyeNation27;1739616; said:
the supposition here is that he's being screamed at because of the shirt he's wearing. That's a little overboard.

Incorrect. LeBron James left Cleveland in the most infamous free agency debacle in sports. That, coupled with being an Ohio native and making empty promises has turned an otherwise endearing fan base--righteously--bitter, resentful, and angry. The supposition is that this douche is wearing the Heat jersey to invoke reaction stemmed from this bitterness, resentfulness, and anger. That is what people are angry with. A Z jersey would have garnered a tenth of the reaction. He chose the James jersey. He was clearly taunting the fans in the video. I have seen fights break out in a baseball game over a bad call and then subsequent taunt from a fan.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see how any of this is unexpected or a surprise. All I had to hear from my wife this morning is, "did you hear about the guy that wore the James jersey to an Indians game," and I knew exactly what happened--without seeing photos or video. That is just the world we live in, nobody says it has to be fair, acceptable, or OK in your eyes. Who are we to judge?
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Bucky Katt;1739646; said:
Can't you just let them hate the guy in peace? Why is it so bothersome to you that Cavs fans now harbor a rather over-the-top disdain for LBJ? Is it really hurting anyone if anonymous internet poster X hopes LeBron James dies in a fiery car crash?


People do not realize that a lot of these people that hate him, including myself, absolutely loved him before this summer's free agency. That line is razor thin and it was crossed. Yes, maybe we were wrong for becoming overly infatuated with his talent and capability of bringing greatness to a team we love. But allow us to be equally as wrong--in the oppositions eyes--to wish the most heinous things on the douche bag.
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