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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

Its a very shrewd move by Lebron. He know its far to late for him to take out any genuine ad in the Cleveland PD. But he can at least play the good guy in Akron, and if they'll forgive him, it will be viewed nationwide like Cleveland wasn't his home at all... and that the fans there are just bitter outsiders.

This will work for people that don't understand the NE Ohio region and the Cle/Akron/Canton connection.

Mrs. Wade knows its far too late to mend fences with Cleveland. So why not just piss them off further and gain a little reputation back outside the state?
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This guy has seriously gone "Hulk Hogan" when he joined the NWO. It's like he's purposely trying to become known as the biggest asshole in the world.

LeBron's thank you letter to the city of Akron, without a single mention of Cleveland. And after Z's heartfelt thank you.

LeBron James takes out newspaper ad to thank Akron | cleveland.com

Can't wait for the additional coverage on LeBron just sticking it to Cleveland and its fans. Is he intentionally trying to make people hate him??
from July 13th
BuckeyeNation27;1731390; said:
he won't care at that point. he'll be more like garnet by then.

if the majority of people are hating you and calling you a punk, you have two options. be really sorry and beg for forgiveness, or play the role of a punk.
I was thinking of Kevin Garnett, but the Hulk Hogan/NWO comparison is also good.
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OH10;1741554; said:
Its a very shrewd move by Lebron. He know its far to late for him to take out any genuine ad in the Cleveland PD. But he can at least play the good guy in Akron, and if they'll forgive him, it will be viewed nationwide like Cleveland wasn't his home at all... and that the fans there are just bitter outsiders.

This will work for people that don't understand the NE Ohio region and the Cle/Akron/Canton connection.

Mrs. Wade knows its far too late to mend fences with Cleveland. So why not just [censored] them off further and gain a little reputation back outside the state?

This, from my viewpoint, is move #2 for LBJ to save face with national sports fans. Move #1 was "I've given everything I had to Cleveland for 7 years," and we all saw that didn't go over so well. Now it's this--professing that his heart belongs to Akron, as opposed to Cleveland (you know, that city that's a whopping 30-some miles from Akron). Given that the whole hometown hero concept in sports often extends state-wide, I doubt that LBJ's attempt to save face here will win many people over.
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billmac91;1741536; said:
This guy has seriously gone "Hulk Hogan" when he joined the NWO. It's like he's purposely trying to become known as the biggest asshole in the world.

LeBron's thank you letter to the city of Akron, without a single mention of Cleveland. And after Z's heartfelt thank you.

LeBron James takes out newspaper ad to thank Akron | cleveland.com

Can't wait for the additional coverage on LeBron just sticking it to Cleveland and its fans. Is he intentionally trying to make people hate him??

He also waited for the official resolution of Akron showing support for him. Had they not done something so empty and meaningless, he probably wouldn't have bothered with the ad. It is political, make no mistake about it.
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hey LeBrick

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Tlangs;1742210; said:
Cleveland should hire these guys. They are gonna need tons of help selling tickets this year. :biggrin:

Not really season ticket holders were forced to renew in March or something crazy early. Dan Gilbert isn't stupid.

Next year is a whole other matter:)
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Tlangs;1742210; said:
Cleveland should hire these guys. They are gonna need tons of help selling tickets this year. :biggrin:

Yep, when your star player bails on you after saying that he never would (at least not prior to winning an NBA title), that'll happen. There's not a team in the NBA that wouldn't have trouble selling tickets under such circumstances.
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