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Giovanni Strassini: A Football Fantasy

The ability of some people to justify and rationalize their actions and not hold THEMSELVES accountable is frankly amazing. It's a similar line of thinking that allows Moms to drown their kids in the bathtub and be able to live with it. As Jim Morrison said, People are Strange.
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I'm confused as to what blood samples and fingerprints would have to do with anything. Like when you file to start a business, they take your fingerprints so later when somebody else is accused of being you they can say, "Nuh uh....check the fingerprints. That wasn't me."
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onlymelol;2340094; said:
who are you or anyone to ask more of me...
We are the keepers of the interwebs. We work closely with other organizations, including the wikilluminati, to expose frauds for what they are... which is, um, well... frauds... stronzo!

(I hope I used "stronzo" correctly. I'm hoping that it's french for "fraud.")

BuckeyeSoldier;2340098; said:
Thats your option, and it is my opinion that you are a lying, sleezy, waste of human space, felon, con-artist that is too cowardly too own up to his own vile deeds

onlymelol;2340135; said:
...but wayward sons go astray...proven here with attributing proven false info back on to me, deceased spouses, kids, mother, occupation, education etc., anything not related to the instant and only wrong that matters, is totally irrelevant and should be off limits
Again, these things are only irrelevant when you don't want to own up to them.

onlymelol;2340156; said:
lmfao= u are worse than anything i did. u do for harm and lies.
Interesting. What a strange quote coming from a proven, and previously incarcerated, fraud. You, good sir, are a delusional cretin.

onlymelol;2340156; said:
u call the courts, fbi and the police wrong and u right?...
Just answer the questions numbnuts! There's no further need for courts and the like. We are going straight to the source. We don't need DNA, just answer the questions. This is your chance. Capiche?

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;2340164; said:

"What are you doing here?"
To be fair, he could have been going for the "WHY ARE YOU HERE?" angle.

Either way, he's still a fraud that selectively chooses the information he wants people to know and refuses to bitch up and deal with reality and own all of his actions.
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Dryden;2340155; said:
Open for business. [pdf]

Closed for business. [pdf]

Appointed agent on both: Rebecca A., Akron.

Kinda seems like and open and closed case doesn't it.

What I can't figure out is why Giovanni even wants to convince us otherwise. It's obvious we know the truth and that he is lying and yet for some reason he keeps coming back. I guess he really is insane. Which means he probably needs to be locked up.
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Giovanni/john/jethro/whatevernameyoudecidedtousethismoring, why have you not posted these documents that you claim exist to discredit everything you say is untrue? Is it because you can't due to the fact they don't exist, just like that stellar football career you claimed to have for so long? Is it because that everything that was found is truly you and all you are trying to do is deflect and deny in the hopes that people will drop it and you can keep living in your own little fantasy world where fraud is completely accepted?

You have admitted in your own posts to being a fraud and a liar. You have proven nothing since I do not take the word of admitted frauds and liars.
Post the documents to set the record straight if they truly exist, otherwise I would suggest just leaving this site forever and go live your lie somewhere else.
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BuckeyeNation27;2340178; said:
I'm confused as to what blood samples and fingerprints would have to do with anything. Like when you file to start a business, they take your fingerprints so later when somebody else is accused of being you they can say, "Nuh uh....check the fingerprints. That wasn't me."

I was also curious about that. I haven't read several pages of this thread, so I could be wrong (it happened once before back in 2005), but somehow I doubt that there has actually been an actual judicial opinion, judgment or order presented by onlymelol stating that Gio is not John, i.e. the douche that has been pretending to be a Buckeye is not the convicted felon. That is what we are talking about, right? Or, has the conversation moved on from there? I still can't wrap my mind around how blood, dna, etc. was presented to establish anything.
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TDunk;2340101; said:
So we can see how crappy of a golfer you are. On a serious note, now you've made Buckeye nation (and probably other programs) question every person who claims to had some sort of claim to any athletic accomplishments.

A few years back, I met a guy at The Cliffs of Asheville that said he played OL for OSU for the 1968-69 team (name not sure). He mentioned that Woody told Bo that is the best team you'll ever beat. Something I have read online. Now I am second guessing if that guy truly played at OSU (Because of this [Mark May]). I still have trust in humanity that he was telling the truth, but thank you John for second guessing that. Asshole.

I really did beat Orlando Pace in Football. I just can't remember if it was Madden 95 or NFL Football 95
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I was also curious about that. I haven't read several pages of this thread, so I could be wrong (it happened once before back in 2005), but somehow I doubt that there has actually been an actual judicial opinion, judgment or order presented by onlymelol stating that Gio is not John, i.e. the douche that has been pretending to be a Buckeye is not the convicted felon. That is what we are talking about, right? Or, has the conversation moved on from there? I still can't wrap my mind around how blood, dna, etc. was presented to establish anything.
I believe onlymelol is claiming that he is Giovanni Strassini...the same person who pretended to be an OSU TE. He is also denying being any form of Giovanni or John Strassini that was busted for any kind of bank fraud or anything else. His claim is that he has been confused for this OTHER Giovanni Strassini who is a bad guy, but THIS Giovanni Strassini's only "crime" was that he didn't correct people when they thought he was an All American tight end.

So he went to court armed with blood and fingerprints to prove that he wasn't this bad version of Giovanni Strassini. So I guess we are to believe that the courts and banks had samples of the bad Giovanni to test against his samples and that proved his innocence.

I guess we're supposed to ignore the coincidence of an admitted liar/fraud when it comes to being an Ohio State football player who has the same exact name as a convicted liar/fraud when it comes to all the things the bad Giovanni was convicted of. We're also supposed to ignore the coincidence that the facebook and twitter accounts of this Giovanni having references a wife and child with the same exact names of the wife and child of the bad Giovanni. And the coincidence of the phone number used to harass this NYG character is also the same number of the company that was the one used in the defrauding which eventually sent the bad Giovanni to federal prison.......that number also linking to the wife.
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Dryden;2340155; said:
Open for business. [pdf]

Closed for business. [pdf]

Appointed agent on both: Rebecca A., Akron.

BuckeyeNation27;2340199; said:
I believe onlymelol is claiming that he is Giovanni Strassini...the same person who pretended to be an OSU TE. He is also denying being any form of Giovanni or John Strassini that was busted for any kind of bank fraud or anything else. His claim is that he has been confused for this OTHER Giovanni Strassini who is a bad guy, but THIS Giovanni Strassini's only "crime" was that he didn't correct people when they thought he was an All American tight end.

So he went to court armed with blood and fingerprints to prove that he wasn't this bad version of Giovanni Strassini. So I guess we are to believe that the courts and banks had samples of the bad Giovanni to test against his samples and that proved his innocence.

I guess we're supposed to ignore the coincidence of an admitted liar/fraud when it comes to being an Ohio State football player who has the same exact name as a convicted liar/fraud when it comes to all the things the bad Giovanni was convicted of. We're also supposed to ignore the coincidence that the facebook and twitter accounts of this Giovanni having references a wife and child with the same exact names of the wife and child of the bad Giovanni. And the coincidence of the phone number used to harass this NYG character is also the same number of the company that was the one used in the defrauding which eventually sent the bad Giovanni to federal prison.......that number also linking to the wife.

That is a beautiful summary of it. And the phone number bits at the end have always been a pretty damning piece of evidence that Giovanni is, in fact, the same guy as John D Strassini.

It's all the same guy masquerading around as an athlete and businessman. When in fact he is simply a fraud as both businessman and athlete.
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matcar;2340183; said:
Kinda seems like and open and closed case doesn't it.

What I can't figure out is why Giovanni even wants to convince us otherwise. It's obvious we know the truth and that he is lying and yet for some reason he keeps coming back. I guess he really is insane. Which means he probably needs to be locked up again.
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onlymelol;2340143; said:
LMFAO- you found the fraud and negative stuff, research the legal things as well and you will be successful. admitted liar? admitted impersonator, but not liar. sorry, do not twist what i did or said, i lived it, you read it as a punchline and twisted it best to make it more harmful,do your own work....ignorance is no excuse, and i gave you the truth, ignore it and that is all your doing

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't impersonating something you're not a form of lying???
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