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Giovanni Strassini: A Football Fantasy

BuckeyeNation27;2340199; said:
I guess we're supposed to ignore the coincidence of an admitted liar/fraud when it comes to being an Ohio State football player who has the same exact name as a convicted liar/fraud when it comes to all the things the bad Giovanni was convicted of. We're also supposed to ignore the coincidence that the facebook and twitter accounts of this Giovanni having references a wife and child with the same exact names of the wife and child of the bad Giovanni. And the coincidence of the phone number used to harass this NYG character is also the same number of the company that was the one used in the defrauding which eventually sent the bad Giovanni to federal prison.......that number also linking to the wife.

Don't forget, the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the 'good & innocent' Giovanni Strassini, the one who spent 30 years clearing his name and doesn't use aliases, were under the name Giova Stroh.

Also, after finally clearing his name and all association with that vile John D that wrecked his life and reputation with busted JDS Building businesses in two different states, Giovanni went and applied for JDS Consultants.org, LLC. That business was scuttled yesterday.

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Dryden;2340264; said:
Don't forget, the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the 'good & innocent' Giovanni Strassini, the one who spent 30 years clearing his name and doesn't use aliases, were under the name Giova Stroh.

Also, after finally clearing his name and all association with that vile John D that wrecked his life and reputation with busted JDS Building businesses in two different states, Giovanni went and applied for JDS Consultants.org, LLC. That business was scuttled yesterday.


Dryden, I object to the use of "scuttled" in this context, it connotes and intentional, strategic act...

Something about too much credit.
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Don't forget, the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the 'good & innocent' Giovanni Strassini, the one who spent 30 years clearing his name and doesn't use aliases, were under the name Giova Stroh.

Also, after finally clearing his name and all association with that vile John D that wrecked his life and reputation with busted JDS Building businesses in two different states, Giovanni went and applied for JDS Consultants.org, LLC. That business was scuttled yesterday.


The coincidences keep on piling up for this guy. That's just a bad break. For the bad Giovanni to shut down a business that falsely implicates this Giovanni immediately after that business was discovered by the public. Damn.
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Dryden;2340264; said:
Don't forget, the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the 'good & innocent' Giovanni Strassini, the one who spent 30 years clearing his name and doesn't use aliases, were under the name Giova Stroh.

Also, after finally clearing his name and all association with that vile John D that wrecked his life and reputation with busted JDS Building businesses in two different states, Giovanni went and applied for JDS Consultants.org, LLC. That business was scuttled yesterday.


you don't speak much of anything. that's why you're posts are so insignificant and offer nothing of relevance except bashing and meanness?
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BayBuck;2340241; said:
Lots of Columbus State students have been telling their friends and family they go to Ohio State for a long time... (though I guess it was called Columbus Tech or something back in the 70s)

Would that be the Columbus Business University, offering Associate degrees in the 1970s?

There's a reason why Woody never manned up and scheduled them. They were a fearsome spectacle.

Hey, maybe he played for them?
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jwinslow;2340271; said:
Forget the lies. I feel cheated by the lack of quality memes generated by this thread.

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BuckeyeNation27;2340267; said:

The coincidences keep on piling up for this guy. That's just a bad break. For the bad Giovanni to shut down a business that falsely implicates this Giovanni immediately after that business was discovered by the public. Damn.

I'm expecting a "JDS Consultants of North Carolina" to emerge quickly hereafter. I feel like BuckeyePlanet should help him name his next consultancy:

Anyone Can File a, LLC
Good Giovanni and Bad Giovanni, LP (Limited Partnership)
JDS Cnsltnt of Charlt, LLC
John Daley Strassini Consultants, LLC
Bitch Up Quick, LLC
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