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Giovanni Strassini: A Football Fantasy

So I got a surprisingly level headed response of a PM from Giovanni, but of course it didn't reveal anything. It sounds as if these court records clearing his name occurred in the past year or two, so that should help in narrowing down things for those of you with PACER access (not about to register, don't need any extra expenses at the moment). Still claiming to have played baseball and football after college, apparently for the teams he's previously mentioned. Not sure why, since that is easily disproven with simple searches. I suppose if web searches that are "easily doctored" are not enough, one could probably call team offices and ask them about a player by the name of Strassini in the appropriate era. But then the claims by him of the ID theft and erasing of records will start to reach to the ownership of the teams themselves...man, how did this guy piss off so many rich dudes that team owners are striking his records?
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scarletmike;2340225; said:
So I got a surprisingly level headed response of a PM from Giovanni, but of course it didn't reveal anything. It sounds as if these court records clearing his name occurred in the past year or two, so that should help in narrowing down things for those of you with PACER access (not about to register, don't need any extra expenses at the moment). Still claiming to have played baseball and football after college, apparently for the teams he's previously mentioned. Not sure why, since that is easily disproven with simple searches. I suppose if web searches that are "easily doctored" are not enough, one could probably call team offices and ask them about a player by the name of Strassini in the appropriate era. But then the claims by him of the ID theft and erasing of records will start to reach to the ownership of the teams themselves...man, how did this guy [censored] off so many rich dudes that team owners are striking his records?

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Oh boy, another PM. Seems I messed up in the previous post. He claims he did not play for the teams previously stated, but did play football and baseball after college. He also states fingerprints, DNA and such were taken at the request of his attorney to compare against the other Giovanni that was the criminal fraudster, and they didn't match up. So who did he play for? He won't say, so I guess more record searching! Perhaps he'll continue to provide clues to point us all along the way. NFL, AFL, CFL...MLB, MiLB, ummmm...foreign leagues...shit, we've got a lot of ground to cover, definitely need some help narrowing it down.

And there's still the issue of figuring out the name he attended OSU under, which would be very helpful in reestablishing his credibility.
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scarletmike;2340236; said:
And there's still the issue of figuring out the name he attended OSU under, which would be very helpful in reestablishing his credibility.

It isn't saying because it never attended Ohio State.

It's a liar, fraud and a loser. I'm not even sure it's really a man either.
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Next thing you know he is going to claim he was the head of the IRS....jeez dude give it a rest already....

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it probably is a duck, guys. Either that or he played ball at the University of Oregon
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BuckeyeNation27;2340199; said:
I believe onlymelol is claiming that he is Giovanni Strassini...the same person who pretended to be an OSU TE. He is also denying being any form of Giovanni or John Strassini that was busted for any kind of bank fraud or anything else. His claim is that he has been confused for this OTHER Giovanni Strassini who is a bad guy, but THIS Giovanni Strassini's only "crime" was that he didn't correct people when they thought he was an All American tight end.

So he went to court armed with blood and fingerprints to prove that he wasn't this bad version of Giovanni Strassini. So I guess we are to believe that the courts and banks had samples of the bad Giovanni to test against his samples and that proved his innocence.

I guess we're supposed to ignore the coincidence of an admitted liar/fraud when it comes to being an Ohio State football player who has the same exact name as a convicted liar/fraud when it comes to all the things the bad Giovanni was convicted of. We're also supposed to ignore the coincidence that the facebook and twitter accounts of this Giovanni having references a wife and child with the same exact names of the wife and child of the bad Giovanni. And the coincidence of the phone number used to harass this NYG character is also the same number of the company that was the one used in the defrauding which eventually sent the bad Giovanni to federal prison.......that number also linking to the wife.
Give this man a GPA.
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