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Giovanni Strassini: A Football Fantasy

matcar;2340127; said:
And yet you ask us to cease. That's the point you worthless piece of crap, you don't have to be Columbo to see all the laws you've broken and time you've served. You are a criminal and the very pathetic loser we've associated you with elsewhere. You asked this forum not to associate you with those crimes, but they are yours and now everyone with an Internet connection knows about your legal history, bank/wire fraud etc.

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matcar;2340115; said:
I hope you Know this Mr Fraud. The world is coming after you. No one will stop and will not relent until you admit to your sins. Now it is time for YOU to fear the "reeper" bitch. Your life as a con artist is ending and you and those around you will pay.

onlymelol;2340125; said:

Johnny Strasshole,
I am here, because a few people pointed me here. A few other people from ESPN told me when I blocked your 3 e-mail addresses, and Facebook, that you were not the person you claim you are. They recently showed me this, and it is proof that I should have listened to them years ago.

If you truly are a graduate of Ohio State, you would post the name you attended the university under, and without reservation. Since you refuse to post the name you attended under, it's a fair assessment that you are NOT a graduate of Ohio State.
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NFBuck;2340130; said:

do you really need to ask what is relevant? lmao
anything to do with the wiki report and what happened when that was done, and how it was used and items around that. everything else was irrelevant.
but wayward sons go astray...proven here with attributing proven false info back on to me, deceased spouses, kids, mother, occupation, education etc., anything not related to the instant and only wrong that matters, is totally irrelevant and should be off limits
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onlymelol;2340135; said:
do you really need to ask what is relevant? lmao
anything to do with the wiki report and what happened when that was done, and how it was used and items around that. everything else was irrelevant.
but wayward sons go astray...proven here with attributing proven false info back on to me, deceased spouses, kids, mother, occupation, education etc., anything not related to the instant and only wrong that matters, is totally irrelevant and should be off limits

So it is all true, you've committed crimes resulting in bank fraud and a woman being killed?
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NYG21254246;2340133; said:
Johnny Strasshole,
I am here, because a few people pointed me here. A few other people from ESPN told me when I blocked your 3 e-mail addresses, and Facebook, that you were not the person you claim you are. They recently showed me this, and it is proof that I should have listened to them years ago.

If you truly are a graduate of Ohio State, you would post the name you attended the university under, and without reservation. Since you refuse to post the name you attended under, it's a fair assessment that you are NOT a graduate of Ohio State.

u are a liar, no one pointed you here, u searched my name and found it
my name is my business and not yours or anyone elses...but stubborn stronzos dont get that, leave paulie purebread
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Here's a simple thing, point us to law resources that prove the dismissed case(s) and/or the case(s) that proved the identity theft that you want to claim and insist that the courts have sided with you. We have several legal beagles on the board with appropriate access, so we can get right down to the truth if you'll point us in the right direction. You claim to have used no aliases, so we already know your real name, a phone number that can in fact be used to reach you (which also attaches you to the fraud cases), the custody and divorce filings, so I don't know what else you could possibly have to hide from us that would further identify you that we can't already find out or know.

But then there's this funny issue of claiming to have attended OSU under a different name, refusing to give it, but also claiming to have never used aliases...not exactly helpful in building trust. The fact that you went along with the narrative the supposed "identity theft" created over the past 30 years just cements that you have the ability to lie, and charm while doing so only cements you as completely untrustworthy. The only way you'll clear your name here and positively prove this ID theft and created narrative as a result that was 30 years in the making is by providing the hard proof to us, as you have absolutely zero credibility here, at all.

In case you haven't quite figured it out, as an admitted liar and impersonator you have zero credibility on which to expect us to take any claim you insist on making at face value. Evidence is required, and until you provide such proof positive that is required to recover credibility, you will continue to be known as a fraud, liar, scammer, etc. and lambasted to the best of this board's twisted sense of humor allows. If you have such an issue with it, you know how to clear it up and make it stop.
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an OSU site, allows a known hater of the school to post here because it is against me, paulie, you are a liar, and have no better things to do than stalk and try to find support with your lies. you did it on ESPN, and now here. to all that call names, shame. the last resort of a man with nothing else intelligent to say. then it is physical when all control is lost. seems to be the order of the site. ciao ciao
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onlymelol;2340138; said:
u are a liar, no one pointed you here, u searched my name and found it
my name is my business and not yours or anyone elses...but stubborn stronzos dont get that, leave paulie purebread

Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

You paraded around for at least 5 years (likely more) claiming you were a 2 sport All-American athlete at a major Division 1 institution, an NFL draft pick, and a minor league baseball player.

You lied about what you accomplished in your college years. What leads me to believe that you are lying about your criminal history? How do these people know that you did or did not change your name?

All of that is perfectly relevant.

Lance Armstrong is full of [Mark May], and so are you.
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scarletmike;2340139; said:
Here's a simple thing, point us to law resources that prove the dismissed case(s) and/or the case(s) that proved the identity theft that you want to claim and insist that the courts have sided with you. We have several legal beagles on the board with appropriate access, so we can get right down to the truth if you'll point us in the right direction. You claim to have used no aliases, so we already know your real name, a phone number that can in fact be used to reach you (which also attaches you to the fraud cases), the custody and divorce filings, so I don't know what else you could possibly have to hide from us that would further identify you that we can't already find out or know.

But then there's this funny issue of claiming to have attended OSU under a different name, refusing to give it, but also claiming to have never used aliases...not exactly helpful in building trust. The fact that you went along with the narrative the supposed "identity theft" created over the past 30 years just cements that you have the ability to lie, and charm while doing so only cements you as completely untrustworthy. The only way you'll clear your name here and positively prove this ID theft and created narrative as a result that was 30 years in the making is by providing the hard proof to us, as you have absolutely zero credibility here, at all.

In case you haven't quite figured it out, as an admitted liar and impersonator you have zero credibility on which to expect us to take any claim you insist on making at face value. Evidence is required, and until you provide such proof positive that is required to recover credibility, you will continue to be known as a fraud, liar, scammer, etc. and lambasted to the best of this board's twisted sense of humor allows. If you have such an issue with it, you know how to clear it up and make it stop.

LMFAO- you found the fraud and negative stuff, research the legal things as well and you will be successful. admitted liar? admitted impersonator, but not liar. sorry, do not twist what i did or said, i lived it, you read it as a punchline and twisted it best to make it more harmful,do your own work....ignorance is no excuse, and i gave you the truth, ignore it and that is all your doing
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onlymelol;2340140; said:
an OSU site, allows a known hater of the school to post here because it is against me, paulie, you are a liar, and have no better things to do than stalk and try to find support with your lies. you did it on ESPN, and now here. to all that call names, shame. the last resort of a man with nothing else intelligent to say. then it is physical when all control is lost. seems to be the order of the site. ciao ciao

Quit digging, and put the shovel away.

Speaking of the ESPN Community, didn't you also threaten to put a Stephen Pipkin-Savage's "ass to sleep" as well? Didn't you also slander Stephen Pipkin-Savage's military record for a significant period of time?

I never claimed to be a fan of Ohio State. But you did commit fraud against that institution. Whether or not it was for financial gain is still to be determined IMO. Even if you never reaped financial benefit from your actions, you still committed fraud- since you did benefit (through undeserved credibility, and many other possible ways) personally.
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