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F Mickey Mitchell (transfer to Arizona State)

Kids aren't transferring for no reason. It's not because of "roster management" because, quite frankly, we're not exactly recruiting over them.

OK, to recap you've generically referred to a "greater problem" and equally-generically said that kids "aren't transferring for no reason." Care to actually say something definitive that tells us why we should be worried, or should we all just take your word that the sky is falling?
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Kids aren't transferring for no reason. It's not because of "roster management" because, quite frankly, we're not exactly recruiting over them.
In a Mickey Mitchell thread, you're claiming guys aren't being recruited over? I suppose everyone is entitled to an opinion.

A lot of recruitniks thought that should happen a few years ago. They also questioned the Harris verbal.
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In a Mickey Mitchell thread, you're claiming guys aren't being recruited over? I suppose everyone is entitled to an opinion.

A lot of recruitniks thought that should happen a few years ago. They also questioned the Harris verbal.
....aaaaand that right there is where the problem with the program lies (if in fact there is a problem). You've said it before in the other thread, but our biggest problem appears to be the level of the talent brought in. I'm not sure whether we are missing because we are swinging and missing on the studs or if we haven't evaluated as well for a couple years, but many folks thought this kid should have been recruited over (I'm pretty sure I wasn't one of them as I kept buying into the ball handling/size and thinking this kid was a great one - but others one this board and elsewhere saw it) yet he landed here along with a couple others who might be great kids but are not quite to the level needed for tOSU.
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OK, to recap you've generically referred to a "greater problem" and equally-generically said that kids "aren't transferring for no reason." Care to actually say something definitive that tells us why we should be worried, or should we all just take your word that the sky is falling?

Sure. Players aren't buying in. High school kids aren't buying in. The kids we bring in aren't buying in. It's a problem.
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I need to start a spreadsheet tracking which posters want which coaches fired so I know exactly who to laugh at.

Call it the ignorant index
I haven't said it in a while, but make sure you put me down in the "Fire Tom Herman!" Camp, okay?
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I need to start a spreadsheet tracking which posters want which coaches fired so I know exactly who to laugh at.

Call it the ignorant index

In football, the Buckeyes went from national champs to not even playing in the conference championship game and missing the playoffs. They're losing a ton of talent so now is a good time to say this season is playoff or bust. They miss the playoffs...fire Urban Meyer!

Wrong thread?

Seriously though, looking at what the basketball team has, I just want to see improvement, effort and less overall lapses/stretches of "bad" play. Asking for a sweet 16 this upcoming season might be a bit much. How about finishing top 4 in the conference and making the tournament? That seems like it would be an accomplishment.
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Sure. Players aren't buying in. High school kids aren't buying in. The kids we bring in aren't buying in. It's a problem.

Your sweeping conclusions are based on what, exactly? Four kids who didn't play much seeing that the starting five is returning, and thus, that they likely wouldn't play much again next year? I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds your conclusory sky is falling posts to be unpersuasive.
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Your sweeping conclusions are based on what, exactly? Four kids who didn't play much seeing that the starting five is returning, and thus, that they likely wouldn't play much again next year? I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds your conclusory sky is falling posts to be unpersuasive.

Four kids. That's 1/3 of the roster. From a team that wasn't very good anyway. The starting 5 we bring back still consists primarily of underachievers. I'd probably be less concerned if we were replacing the transfers with a top-level recruiting class. We aren't.

This program isn't stuck in neutral (which, considering we didn't make the tournament, is still unacceptable). It's going in reverse.
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Four kids. That's 1/3 of the roster. From a team that wasn't very good anyway. The starting 5 we bring back still consists primarily of underachievers. I'd probably be less concerned if we were replacing the transfers with a top-level recruiting class. We aren't.

This program isn't stuck in neutral (which, considering we didn't make the tournament, is still unacceptable). It's going in reverse.

As long as basketball is around, there are going to be guys on the bench who think they should get more playing time. Trash our starting five all you want (no one here is suggesting they're the '96 Bulls, mind you), but from what I've seen out of the four transfers, none of them deserved more playing time than they got. If they want to take the first bus out of town instead of sticking around, getting better, and earning more playing time, that's their prerogative. But pardon me if I don't trash Thad or jump to conclusions re: the program if those players do so.
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As long as basketball is around, there are going to be guys on the bench who think they should get more playing time. Trash our starting five all you want (no one here is suggesting they're the '96 Bulls, mind you), but from what I've seen out of the four transfers, none of them deserved more playing time than they got. If they want to take the first bus out of town instead of sticking around, getting better, and earning more playing time, that's their prerogative. But pardon me if I don't trash Thad or jump to conclusions re: the program if those players do so.
The reason to be concerned with the current performance of the staff isn't that Mickey left....it's because he and a couple others ever landed here and there is doubt as to whether we are bringing in new guys now that are much better. I don't want Thad going anywhere, but I certainly do hope and expect the program to make a positive turn very soon.
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