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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

That's an interesting perspective...one might think "win at all costs" might make it easier in some ways because the thinking is singular and morals don't get in the way...but the pressure on every game day, and during every prep week, must be off the charts stress, too.
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Maybe you should stick to asking questions if you don't want to follow the conversation.
This isn't about the SEC and never was. It was about Urban. Try to make it about the SEC because it makes you feel better, but it really just makes you small. Jesus, taking shots at th SEC is so fucking weak and misplaced considering the shit going down at Rutgers, but folks still wanna bash the SEC. No wonder folks think we have an inferiority complex.
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At the end of the highlights of the BC/FSU game which FSU won 14-0, Stan Verrett called it an impressive win, despite the fact that BC was unranked and FSU scored only one offensive TD and had 217 fucking yards of total offense, 83 of which were gained on the game's opening drive (134 yards over the remaining 55 minutes of the game).
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At the end of the highlights of the BC/FSU game which FSU won 14-0, Stan Verrett called it an impressive win, despite the fact that BC was unranked and FSU scored only one offensive TD and had 217 fucking yards of total offense, 83 of which were gained on the game's opening drive (134 yards over the remaining 55 minutes of the game).
A 14-0 victory is impressive while Ohio State's 38-0 victory was a product of the Buckeyes sleep-walking.... :lol: Sweet spin, ESPN.
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At the end of the highlights of the BC/FSU game which FSU won 14-0, Stan Verrett called it an impressive win, despite the fact that BC was unranked and FSU scored only one offensive TD and had 217 fucking yards of total offense, 83 of which were gained on the game's opening drive (134 yards over the remaining 55 minutes of the game).

If they were in the SEC it would probably be a preview of the national championship game.

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At the end of the highlights of the BC/FSU game which FSU won 14-0, Stan Verrett called it an impressive win, despite the fact that BC was unranked and FSU scored only one offensive TD and had 217 fucking yards of total offense, 83 of which were gained on the game's opening drive (134 yards over the remaining 55 minutes of the game).

Are you not entertained impressed?
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This isn't about the SEC and never was. It was about Urban. Try to make it about the SEC because it makes you feel better, but it really just makes you small. Jesus, taking shots at th SEC is so fucking weak and misplaced considering the [Mark May] going down at Rutgers, but folks still wanna bash the SEC. No wonder folks think we have an inferiority complex.
OK, so I guess you think Ohio State has an institutional problem regardless of who the coach is then, because my statement, which you took exception to:
A lot of SEC schools have this problem.
Was in response to ORD's statement:
I also think that Florida has a bit of an institutional problem regardless of who the coach is. They had a lawless image before Urban, during Urban and now after Urban. That tells me that Urban was not the decisive variable in their thug problem.
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This isn't about the SEC and never was. It was about Urban. Try to make it about the SEC because it makes you feel better, but it really just makes you small. Jesus, taking shots at th SEC is so fucking weak and misplaced considering the [Mark May] going down at Rutgers, but folks still wanna bash the SEC. No wonder folks think we have an inferiority complex.

Rutgers kicked them off the team stat (w/o waiting for video to be leaked or definitive convictions), and I don't see other B1G schools trying to grab them on the rebound.
You might have had better luck comparing to scUM.

As for it being about Urban, not SEC -- that's just spin control. UF had problems before Urban, and problems after Urban. What other schools that Urban coached at had major issues ?
Seems like it's just as much a UF problem -- and Urban let himself become part of it in order to win. Last I checked UF is in the SEC, where it's a wider issue.
Georgia is about the only school I respect down there for doing things right. Everyone else is knee deep in it.
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