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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

Meyer did not run the most renegade program in college football. Hell, he didn't have the worst program in his own conference division. ESPN never brings up Spurrier's 38 player arrests at South Carolina from 2005-2010. [source]

Nobody talks about it because South Carolina is a mediocre program. Florida is higher profile and was winning championships at the time their stuff was taking place.
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This. Meyer had a thug problem. He made mistakes in recruiting and in how he attempted to deal with it (i.e. "leadership circles") once the problems arose on campus. It was his first big-time job, and I think he was unprepared for certain aspects of it. I think that his outlook and approach to dealing with problems has fundamentally changed at Ohio State as we saw with the Roby and Hyde situations.

I also think that Florida has a bit of an institutional problem regardless of who the coach is. They had a lawless image before Urban, during Urban and now after Urban. That tells me that Urban was not the decisive variable in their thug problem.

This holds true to all 3 of the big FL schools.
I think they also have school / fan-base issues... even their own alma-mater ran for the hills after winning an NC there. Pressure must be off the charts to win at a school that's 1) not accustomed to winning, 2) expects to win nonetheless.
It's the same thing I see at Texas right now**. It's a bandwagon hero-villain complex. If he was just another Zook, it'd be no big deal - but the pressure sky-rocketed when he won it all. See a similar thing at Alabama. Saban is a god when he wins, and at danger of being assassinated when he loses.
As crazy as we are about sports in Ohio.... the farthest we ever got was taking a shit on Art Modell's baroque mausoleum.
There are bad elements to every fan base... but need only look at somebody like Ubet to see that it's the rule not the exception down there. There you have a well-educated alum that has a sense of perspective on other issues, but swings like a manic-depressive when it comes to UF sports. As much as we poke fun at the reversal of Urban Meyer's perception through his thread's timeline... one of the biggest offenders there is Ubet himself. And it's evident that he's not a one-off, or a minority in that regard.

** To be fair, Texas alums do have a sense of self deprecating humor about it all. Unexpected after my many run-ins with stereotypes on vacation in CO.
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It was the Zooker. Just look at what he did to Illinois, too.

In truth though Zook's lax discipline was part of his undoing. Channing Crowder logged more appearances in the police blotter than in games played over his first couple years there and they also had that frat party brawl where one of Zook's players was arrested for assaulting someone with a beer keg.

I think the results of our Headlines You Don't See Everyday thread combined with the shenanigans at FSU and Miami spells out pretty conclusively that the root cause of all of societies ills is the existence of Florida.
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Nobody talks about it because South Carolina is a mediocre program. Florida is higher profile and was winning championships at the time their stuff was taking place.

Even then it was talked about more after Meyer left.
Before there it was "nothing to see here", then it became the greatest excuse and easiest way to villainize a guy that brought them 2/3rds of their NCs.
Both coaches to win them NCs left shortly after. And neither ever intends to go back. Given the outstanding weather and location, that really says something.
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It is more of a win at all costs down here in SEC country. People live, eat and breathe college football. There is a lot of stress and a lot of pressure to take the best players regardless. Southern Florida doesn't seem as bad as the bordering states, there are other things to do here, but when you get up in the panhandle or northern part of Florida into Gainesville through Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, it's football football football. There is a lot of pressure to win. Then when you get into programs like UF and FSU, Ole Miss, Miss St, Arkansas where they have no history and then they get a little taste of winning and people go nuts. It's not like Bama, Tennessee and into Oklahoma and Nebraska where there is similarly nothing to do, but people have history they can think about to get them through the rough patches, they know it's cyclical and eventually their team will be back. At the schools that never won anything before the 90s, it's like if it slows down they fear it will never come back. We lose a game where I grew up in Ohio and everyone goes about their business the next day, enjoy the wins and move on from the losses. I was at UF in the 2 years after Meyer left Gainesville and when the team lost a game, people were angry, really angry, and spent the whole next week pouting until Friday, then they would get pumped up for the game. Then when they beat Ohio State at the gator bowl the bragging and talking about it went on for literally months.
I'm surrounded by gators and i'm flabbergasted at how much people hate, hate, HATE Urban Meyer. It's like if he wasn't there they would be an amazing team with 5 nattys, where in reality they would be horrible with 1 natty. At Ohio State it's more of, 'thanks for the title, if you don't win one this year it will be disappointing but thanks for making us a repeated top 10 team.' If he has a thug on his team, he knows he can let him go. I mean, Percy Harvin is a problem in the locker room, NFL teams don't want him after a few years. If Meyer suspended him at Florida for causing any trouble in the locker room, the fan base would have been calling for his head. Meyer suspends all star guys like Hyde and Bosa when they have a problem and the fan base actually appreciates it, Bosa's dad was even supportive of it. I think that is why the program almost killed him and why no one else is successful here. There is tremendous burnout.
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