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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

GameDay twitter controller getting fired soon. Or most likely promoted. One of the two though.


Thing is there was an option to vote for the "Ole Miss girls are easier than their OOC schedule" sign with a retweet, but there was such a huge backlash against that one even being shown on air they deleted the original tweet when it was the original run away winner. The Urban-bashing sign would not have won until they literally deleted the option to vote for anything else.
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Thing is there was an option to vote for the "Ole Miss girls are easier than their OOC schedule" sign with a retweet, but there was such a huge backlash against that one even being shown on air they deleted the original tweet when it was the original run away winner. The Urban-bashing sign would not have won until they literally deleted the option to vote for anything else.

Which is stupid considering the Urban poster is MUCH MUCH worse than the Ole Miss poster. At least that one wasn't directly offending someone and calling them a liar while poking fun of their health issues.
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