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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

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By the way, Fowler is stationed in NE Ohio and is the ESPN beat writer assigned to the Browns, Bengals, and Steelers. That he spent his summer on another Urban Meyer-at-Florida piece even though he's been an NFL Senior Writer exclusively for two years should be a clue about how petty Fowler is over that one time Urban was mean to him for 45 seconds 6 years ago.
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Absolutely nothing new, just Jeremy Fowler dusting off his annual Urban Meyer broke Florida football story. Jeremy is a Florida journalism grad, and was the guy that used to work at the Orlando Sentinel that Urban tore into at a practice regarding quotes he'd printed in a story.

That's a pretty severe over simplification. I read it as a timeline piece of one of the best four year runs a program has ever had. Ups, downs and otherwise.
2/3rd's of the article wasn't even about Meyer, it was about the players on the team.
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That's a pretty severe over simplification. I read it as a timeline piece of one of the best four year runs a program has ever had. Ups, downs and otherwise.
2/3rd's of the article wasn't even about Meyer, it was about the players on the team.

Refuse to read obvious clickbait, but considering what author is putting out on twitter... seems like it's about his obsession with Meyer

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... seems like it's about his obsession with Meyer

Gee, you think?


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Not an example of other journalists being stupid, but holy crap was that section of the Finebaum show hilarious! They had two guys doing an "excuses" segment with one of the two very clearly mocking the stereotypical SEC fan making ridiculous excuses for the subpar performance this past Saturday. That was pure gold.
I catch that show about once a week. One caller on the show today was great. Couldn't hardly understand him, but it was an LSU fan calling to tell everyone how much Auburn and Alabama suck. A fan of an sec school that actually hates his rivals. A fan of an sec school that isn't a fan of all sec schools. It was great. Finebaum was confused when he hung up.
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Weren't people in this thread in 2009-10 buying the stories about what was going on at Florida hook, line and sinker? Weren't people in this thread in 2011 saying that they didn't want Urban Meyer to bring that same sort of culture to Ohio State? Has the culture under his leadership been anything like that in his 3+ years so far? I don't see the need to defend the things we were all pointing and hollering about years ago. I'm pretty sure at least most of those things actually happened, and they weren't good. Meyer has admitted that he made bad compromises and that he needed to do things differently going forward. It doesn't reflect poorly on Ohio State at all. It does reflect poorly on Urban Meyer to an extent, but he's been fairly candid about what went wrong and seems to have taken corrective measures. That's more than what you get out of most coaches who run a program like the one Florida had toward the end of his tenure there.

As for the idea that Florida is still shitty because of the state that Meyer left the program in, anybody with at least a double-digit IQ knows that's a garbage take and that Will Muschamp being a garbage head coach has more to do with the current situation than anything that happened before that.
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As for the idea that Florida is still [Mark May]ty because of the state that Meyer left the program in, anybody with at least a double-digit IQ knows that's a garbage take and that Will Muschamp being a garbage head coach has more to do with the current situation than anything that happened before that.
Unfortunately, ESPN doesn't have a lot of those on their payroll, aside from the tOSU alums...
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Weren't people in this thread in 2009-10...

As this thread wasn't going in 2009/2010, no, they weren't :wink:

It's now been 5 full years since UFM left Florida. Whatever his issues there, that's more than enough time for the 'new' and 'newest' coaching staff to have implemented their system. Blaming failure on the last successful coach is a good way for the failure to continue (see: scUM, 2008-Present)
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Three things:

1) I think it's pretty clear Meyer was having problems in his last few years at Florida. His priorities were so focused on winning his health deteriorated and he brought in some bad character guys who misbehaved in some serious ways.

2) Blaming Meyer for the problems currently ongoing at Florida is stupid and misplaced.

3) It is possible to recognize 1 and 2 simultaneously without contradicting yourself.
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