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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

Yeah, I've heard it multiple times over the years. I still have no clue what the fuck it means.
Oh I totally get it. Having spent the last 10 years around youth sports it's quite obvious those that are fast twitch and those that are not. There are differences in muscle buildup and reaction with different people. The only problem I have with its usage in today's sports is that virtually every athlete that makes it to the level where they are on television is a fast-twitch person.
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Oh I totally get it. Having spent the last 10 years around youth sports it's quite obvious those that are fast twitch and those that are not. There are differences in muscle buildup and reaction with different people. The only problem I have with its usage in today's sports is that virtually every athlete that makes it to the level where they are on television is a fast-twitch person.
Well, I mean, they are on TV. The real question is how they operate in space.
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Well, I mean, they are on TV. The real question is how they operate in space.
Well of course that differs from person to person. I mean if your name is Braxton Miller, then the laws of gravity do not seem to apply to you and you operate in space the same way you operate on Earth. You just float around at light speed. On the other hand if you're me… You just drink beer.
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Oh I totally get it. Having spent the last 10 years around youth sports it's quite obvious those that are fast twitch and those that are not. There are differences in muscle buildup and reaction with different people. The only problem I have with its usage in today's sports is that virtually every athlete that makes it to the level where they are on television is a fast-twitch person.

Some guys just develop a twitch when they're on television.
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