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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

Slow twitch

Fast twitch
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I thought fast/slow twitch was actually types of muscles... you can work either. Fast twitch for explosive/abrupt short movements (4-6 A-B). Slow twitch for more sustained activity (soccer? longer track races?)

They are types of fibers that are present in all muscles. There are actually three types. Type 1 (slow twitch), Type 2a & 2b (fast twitch).

The explosive vs endurance description is roughly correct.
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From Poohbert's crack staff?

Was Ole Miss impressive enough to warrant a top-4 ranking?

I was as surprised as anyone to see that Ole Miss rose from ninth to second in FPI after beating FCS foe Tennessee-Martin...


Don't put this shit on him.

Team gets a favorable ranking according to their financial partner's proprietary statistics. Knock me over with a feather.
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Don't know stupid, but pretty darn funny considering: ESPiN doing a "Top 5 Moments in the Big House" feature. I'm thinking, if i wasn't so busy I'd turn it off so I don't have to listen to them extolling the long-gone glory days. So what are two of the top 5? A last moment loss to Colorado and the blocked game-ending field goal against Appy State. Not sure any tsun fans would be very appreciative of the reminders, or count them as their top 5 moments. Anyway, thanks for the memories, ESPiN.
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I watched the Oregon-MSU game with the sound on (I know, what was I thinking) and didn't hear "fast twitch" once. Well, I guess it was an MSU game (where they play Stanford football without the smart football players).
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I watched the Oregon-MSU game with the sound on (I know, what was I thinking) and didn't hear "fast twitch" once. Well, I guess it was an MSU game (where they play Stanford football without the smart football players).
I'm rewatching it on BTN and the feed regularly cuts in the middle of Herbie rants :lol:
Most of the time they leave the full filler between plays, but every couple minutes they just cut in the middle of a Herbie rant.
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Not an example of other journalists being stupid, but holy crap was that section of the Finebaum show hilarious! They had two guys doing an "excuses" segment with one of the two very clearly mocking the stereotypical SEC fan making ridiculous excuses for the subpar performance this past Saturday. That was pure gold.
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