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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

For all the Herbstreit haters, please listen to all his comments at the end of the game tonight.

He still loves tOSU, whether you all believe it or not.

Sorry, no sale. He was simply put in a situation where he couldn't show his constant bias against Ohio State. Given a slender opportunity Herbstreit jumped on Fowler's "it wasn't perfect, but" comment immediately, talking over him to say "FAR from perfect".

I have absolutely no respect for him.

He has sold his birthright, no doubt making a financial profit on the exchange, but he will never be restored to it when he wishes that acceptance in his later life.
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Nope sorry. Him dropping the Buckeyes two spots after beating a top 10 Arkansas team in the Sugar Bowl forever sealed my dislike for him.

What kind of people are we that we get so caught up on hating someone just because of their disrespect for the university that we love?

Can't we all just agree to hate Kirk Herbstreit because he's a goddamn moron with a stupid fucking face?
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What kind of people are we that we get so caught up on hating someone just because of their disrespect for the university that we love?

Can't we all just agree to hate Kirk Herbstreit because he's a goddamn moron with a stupid fucking face?

He has sold his birthright, no doubt making a financial profit on the exchange, but he will never be restored to it when he wishes that acceptance in his later life.

I enjoyed the stupidity of him trying to drop some Ohio State "insider" knowledge by saying that Luke Fickell likes to recruit baseball players because they "can catch" (which doesn't even make sense- I'd like to imagine Fickell was fucking with him and he was too dumb to realize it).

I've followed Ohio State recruiting closely since 2004 and I can think of exactly one player, Devon Torrence, that was known for playing baseball. Thanks for cracking that egg of knowledge on us, Kirk. :roll1:
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Sorry, no sale. He was simply put in a situation where he couldn't show his constant bias against Ohio State. Given a slender opportunity Herbstreit jumped on Fowler's "it wasn't perfect, but" comment immediately, talking over him to say "FAR from perfect".

I have absolutely no respect for him.

He has sold his birthright, no doubt making a financial profit on the exchange, but he will never be restored to it when he wishes that acceptance in his later life.

I got a kick out of how many times he mentioned the Urban chest bump, like " hey looks guys, I'm still a buckeye!"
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Sorry, no sale. He was simply put in a situation where he couldn't show his constant bias against Ohio State. Given a slender opportunity Herbstreit jumped on Fowler's "it wasn't perfect, but" comment immediately, talking over him to say "FAR from perfect".

I have absolutely no respect for him.

He has sold his birthright, no doubt making a financial profit on the exchange, but he will never be restored to it when he wishes that acceptance in his later life.

In all fairness to Herbstreit, he would probably end up as a fluffer on a gay porn set if it wasn't for the espn gig. Can't really fault him for mindlessly spewing the company line.
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Well....the quest for 3 SEC teams despite all but 2 having 2+ losses and a bunch of more deserving one loss teams is not dead

from Mark Schlabach

Ole Miss: The Rebels ended their devastating two-game losing streak by shutting out FCS foe Presbyterian 48-0 on Saturday. With close losses to LSU and Auburn, the Rebels still look like the best two-loss team in the country. And with a victory over Alabama, Ole Miss still looks more deserving than one-loss teams like Nebraska and Ohio State.
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Well....the quest for 3 SEC teams despite all but 2 having 2+ losses and a bunch of more deserving one loss teams is not dead

from Mark Schlabach

Ole Miss: The Rebels ended their devastating two-game losing streak by shutting out FCS foe Presbyterian 48-0 on Saturday. With close losses to LSU and Auburn, the Rebels still look like the best two-loss team in the country. And with a victory over Alabama, Ole Miss still looks more deserving than one-loss teams like Nebraska and Ohio State.
:lol: wouldn't that just eliminate Alabama then? I love how Ohio State was essentially criticized for playing Kent State and beating the hell out of them. At least it's an FBS team..
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