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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

Was at a bar having lunch today, ESPN was doing their regular bit with Bayless and Smith. Bayless said he expects at LEAST 3 SEC teams to make the playoff. Smith asked him, for all their talk about the SEC, if there's any merit to a Big 12 team or B1G team being on par with these SEC teams, Bayless emphatically said no. Bayless' argument regarding 'Bama and Oklahoma last year: 'Bama's championship dreams were smashed, so they had no wind in their sails. For what it's worth, Smith thinks there will be 2 SEC teams in the playoff. Their next topic: Cam Newton is the new Tebow, or something along those lines. I tried to focus on my food.

= A big steaming pile of Mark May
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apparently overrated shitstain Bill Simmons is in a pissing contest with overly-exposed Ntre Ame blowhard Mike Golic about something or another...I saw it in facebotch and Simmons, being a shitstain, took it to twitter because he's a bitch.

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Simmons compared LBJ in Cleveland to Pujols in LA. alluding to him not being the player they paid for. Golic took task with that and said it was most ridiculous thing he's heard...

Simmons then took to Twitter... Now they've made amends and will discuss it on the next M&M. Dun, dun, dunnn
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Sounds like a made-up story to drive ratings (consider the source, the sports Entertainment network).

Either that or Simmons thinks that the backlash against the "worldwide leader" is big enough that he can do better for himself by repositioning himself as the "honest" opposition who gives "true" sports opinion and building his own empire. I think he's wrong if he thinks that, but his ego's big enough (and he's supported by enough affirming fan boys who haven't realized that he doesn't put much effort into his writing anymore) that he might.
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Simmons compared LBJ in Cleveland to Pujols in LA. alluding to him not being the player they paid for. Golic took task with that and said it was most ridiculous thing he's heard...

Simmons then took to Twitter... Now they've made amends and will discuss it on the next M&M. Dun, dun, dunnn

Here is an article about it...Simmons also trashed the Cavs unmercifully on draft night, so he may very well be rooting for them to fail. In any event, if you say something that includes "don't throw this back in my face" as a caveat, then you should probably expect a reaction.
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ESPN2 just broke for a "conference update." I assumed I was going to see some Big Ten highlights since they were breaking from the UM vs Northwestern game.

Nope! I was treated to some Auburn TAMU highlights.

I guess they're not even trying to hide that the SEC is the only conference they cover anymore?
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ESPN2 just broke for a "conference update." I assumed I was going to see some Big Ten highlights since they were breaking from the UM vs Northwestern game.

Nope! I was treated to some Auburn TAMU highlights.

I guess they're not even trying to hide that the SEC is the only conference they cover anymore?
Yeah, Michigan-Northwestern is far more interesting to the nation than Auburn-Texas A&M. :roll1:
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