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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

He just jumps on the bandwagon ... he'll be right back off it next week when they most likely go to Tuscaloosa for the SEC Game-that-won't-matter-because-both-of-these-teams-are-so-awesome-and-going-to-the-playoff-regardless-of-results game.
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Does he? It's not like I haven't heard this shtick a million times before.
This is why people get so annoyed by frosty tips the cliche machine... it's all vacuous. The second a team starts doing good or ESPN wants to push that narrative, he jumps on the bandwagon. The second they don't live up to perfect expectations, he's the first to turn and pile on with the "over rated".
If he wants to be "objective", then be "objective". Don't turn around in local radio and elsewhere and try to play it like you're really a diehard fan... own it. The likes of Musberger have gushed about the Buckeyes in the past too... and turned just as easily; but there is no pretense with Musburger. It's just a job. He doesn't go on twitter, radio, etc. and try to sell himself as a diehard and then rant about deluded fans (yea, every fan base has them Herbie... deal with it; comes with the job as a tv personality.)
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Lou Holtz had Ohio State at #4 in his top-4 bracket. And then they did their little courtroom schtick with shit saying Ohio State won't make even if they run the table and Holtschshshsh vehemently saying they should.
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