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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

Well....the quest for 3 SEC teams despite all but 2 having 2+ losses and a bunch of more deserving one loss teams is not dead

from Mark Schlabach

Ole Miss: The Rebels ended their devastating two-game losing streak by shutting out FCS foe Presbyterian 48-0 on Saturday. With close losses to LSU and Auburn, the Rebels still look like the best two-loss team in the country. And with a victory over Alabama, Ole Miss still looks more deserving than one-loss teams like Nebraska and Ohio State.
Jesus Christ. :facepalm:

The good news is that many other media outlets...the ones NOT in bed with the SEC...are coming around to the fact that good football is being played at other places than just the SEC. Fuck e!spn right in the p*ssy.
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There's no technically about it. Ole Miss gets a free pass for playing an ACTUAL FCS team. Some are even claiming they may be deserving of a playoff spot now (:lol:).

During the same season, Ohio State plays a team that's actually in the bowl subdivision, yet they are criticized for how weak of an opponent they were. Might be true, but there's absolutely no bias to see here... Move along.
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There's no technically about it. Ole Miss gets a free pass for playing an ACTUAL FCS team. Some are even claiming they may be deserving of a playoff spot now (:lol:).

During the same season, Ohio State plays a team that's actually in the bowl subdivision, yet they are criticized for how weak of an opponent they were. Might be true, but there's absolutely no bias to see here... Move along.
Not just a 1aa team (i refuse to use those stupid labels, if being called 1aa hurts their precious feelings then good) a bad 1aa team.

As for schlabach, he's a uga grad that even thier fans hated when he wrote for the ajc. His opinions on football mean less to me then beth mowins's.
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"Don't always know what I'm talkin' about, feel like I'm livin' in the middle of doubt" Alice Cooper how right you were all those years ago!
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