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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

I've seen a few people mention timing the amount of coverage spent on each conference during Game Day, but this is the first time I've seen a source that looks credible

SEC – 24:08
Big 12 – 20:45
Big 10 – 19:08
*Pac 12 – 17:39
ACC – 12:35
*Independents – 6:05
Desmond Howard quotes Kanye, Chris Fowler quotes Taylor Swift - 0:49
CUSA – 0:20
WAC – 0:10

A nifty pie chart representing the last 3 weeks:

And one last salient point:
This week, GameDay returns to an SEC location for the 6th time in 8 weeks for #1 Mississippi State vs #4 Alabama. While playoff rankings have not yet come out for this week, the SEC looks to have two matchups between ranked opponents, while the ACC, Big Ten, and Pac-12 will likely each have one.

As the rankings have since come out, corrected top25 matchups include: 2 SEC, 1 ACC, 2 B1G, 0 PAC, 0 B12
I'm guessing they thought USC would be ranked instead of Minny?
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I've seen a few people mention timing the amount of coverage spent on each conference during Game Day, but this is the first time I've seen a source that looks credible

A nifty pie chart representing the last 3 weeks:

And one last salient point:

As the rankings have since come out, corrected top25 matchups include: 2 SEC, 1 ACC, 2 B1G, 0 PAC, 0 B12
I'm guessing they thought USC would be ranked instead of Minny?

Nope...no bias there :roll1:
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Unless his rankings are based entirely on who he thinks would win a game tomorrow, having OSU above Florida State makes Trevor Matich either a troll or a fucking moron.

I don't think it's anything more than "trolling". He has switched his MO entirely after the Buckeye win, even going so far as to wear a Scarlet and Grey tie on SC pretty much every day since Saturday. He's been designated as the Buckeye advocate to rile up controversy in the same way he's been advocating for Baylor being ranked higher than TCU because of the head-to-head. He and Todd MacShay have been playing the Holtz/May roles in the CFB discussion.

It's nothing more than a ratings ploy. Don't think too much of it.
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I tend to agree with this.

And I mean, in general, if E$PN were truly in love with the SEC and only the SEC, and I mean truly, it stands to reason that they would want one...maybe 2...SEC teams in the playoff to crush the other conferences and establish their unquestioned dominance. But that doesn't rile people up as much as suggesting 4 SEC West teams should be in the playoff and fuck the rest of the country. E$PN's only real enemies are A) honesty, and B) anything that establishes a consensus, like results on the field. If one team from the SEC made the playoff and won 42-10 and 35-7, then eh, they were obviously the best team...but if 4 SEC teams make the playoff, the rest of the country will be pissed off forever. Which one sells TV ads and site clicks? Which one keeps talentless hacks like Screamin A Smith and Skip Bayless on TV, despite being unqualified to be a lettuce washer at Denny's? Yep, you guessed it. Sure, E$PN is in bed with the $EC Network, but any question as to the motivation of ESPN was erased by Chris Fowler going full crybaby bitch on air about it. If you don't want the controversy, you ignore it.
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And I mean, in general, if E$PN were truly in love with the SEC and only the SEC, and I mean truly, it stands to reason that they would want one...maybe 2...SEC teams in the playoff to crush the other conferences and establish their unquestioned dominance. But that doesn't rile people up as much as suggesting 4 SEC West teams should be in the playoff and fuck the rest of the country. E$PN's only real enemies are A) honesty, and B) anything that establishes a consensus, like results on the field. If one team from the SEC made the playoff and won 42-10 and 35-7, then eh, they were obviously the best team...but if 4 SEC teams make the playoff, the rest of the country will be pissed off forever. Which one sells TV ads and site clicks? Which one keeps talentless hacks like Screamin A Smith and Skip Bayless on TV, despite being unqualified to be a lettuce washer at Denny's? Yep, you guessed it. Sure, E$PN is in bed with the $EC Network, but any question as to the motivation of ESPN was erased by Chris Fowler going full crybaby bitch on air about it. If you don't want the controversy, you ignore it.

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Some good stuff out there. I listen to cowherd for (the NFL talk primarily), and yes, he has OSU at 3 and Bama at 4. Thinks OSU would score relentlessly on the vaunted FSU defense, and would get enough stops to win. OSU would play a tight game and could beat anyone in the top 10. I also tag Ohio State so I hear everything they say about them, and Frost Tips actually said there is NO WAY the committee could keep OSU out if they win out in a dominant fashion. I know he is just trying to keep the controversy going, but he actually said 'No way they can keep us out'. Typically he likes to add a really big 'if' scenario to anything positive about osu, but our winning out in a dominant fashion is not that big of an if. Perhaps espn is just realizing that they paid a lot for the rights to the playoffs, and osu brings in A LOT more cash than TCU and Baylor. I still have Baylor in my 4, will likely change if we slaughter minny, ttun and nebraska.
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Don't see anyone else posting this--according to Mike & Mike this morning: JT should have had a little more time to get comfortable in his role as #1 QB prior to the VA Tech game. Supposedly, the game was originally scheduled two weeks later, two weeks after Navy, two weeks during which they had a bye and Kent State. ESPiN has an empty slot on their broadcast schedule the second week-end of the season and asked the teams to switch the date.

So, if it weren't for The Worldwide Sleazer in Sports, there would have been all that extra preparation time and experience available.

And, btw, the record for teams the week after playing Navy? I think they said it was 1-7 this year.

Thanks, ESPiN. We always knew you had our best interests at heart.
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