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DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

Oneshot;1620972; said:
Haven't seen one big board in which Thad is in Round 1.

I would hate to see someone like Thad pull a Youboty. Or a Pittman, for that matter.

Youboty was a 2nd or 3rd round pick and is still in the league. He has made some $$ and can still go back and get his degree (if he has not already). I think he made the right move. Now Pittman on the other hand.... :(
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Buckrock;1621025; said:
Youboty was a 2nd or 3rd round pick and is still in the league. He has made some $$ and can still go back and get his degree (if he has not already). I think he made the right move. Now Pittman on the other hand.... :(
Your point is valid, but as I recall AY went early in the fourth round, and I remember the speculation that he would enter the draft early even though he had a year left of eligibility because he was on schedule to graduate that quarter.
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Perhaps it's been mentioned, but I don't see TG's draft stock increasing even if he stays. Whether he's a first-rounder is immaterial to the extent that he will likely never be drafted in the first round. (Of course, I'd like to be wrong.) Since the NFL is currently preoccupied with bigger and taller at nearly every position on defense, I don't see TG drafted as a DE in the first two or three rounds. Perhaps, as some have suggested, he may be better suited as a LB in the League.

Bottom line is that if his stock can't get much higher and he's been in the program for four years, then it's time to get a paycheck.
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It's hard to say whether or not his stock will drop or not. A really good year could propel him into a first round or second round pick. Our D will be even better next year, and so, in theory any way, barring injury, he should have a better year as well.

Plus, it never hurts to get your degree....

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Buckrock;1621025; said:
Youboty was a 2nd or 3rd round pick and is still in the league. He has made some $$ and can still go back and get his degree (if he has not already). I think he made the right move.

Not neccessarily...if he ended getting drafted fairly higher than he did (fourth round) when he left early, he would've made substantially more money. Just because he ended up making a pro team and getting pay checks doesn't mean he made the rgiht move.
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Not neccessarily...if he ended getting drafted fairly higher than he did (fourth round) when he left early, he would've made substantially more money. Just because he ended up making a pro team and getting pay checks doesn't mean he made the rgiht move.

If you cash in your IRA early you pay a penalty. But sometimes people just need the money.
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osucollegebuck;1621135; said:
He needs to be a LBer in the NFL. Just compare the years that Brian Orakpo vs. Aaron Maybin are having.

completely agree with you...i always thought that both thad and vernon gholston would make great LBs in the nfl. they both are pretty darn fast and really are not defensive lineman size IMO. plus they both are great tacklers
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NUTS4theBUCKS28;1621193; said:
they both are pretty darn fast and really are not defensive lineman size IMO.

Not sure what you mean by that, if anything Vernon is more of a traditional (rush) DE. He's near 265lbs and far more capable of getting after the QB and holding the point of attack as a down lineman in comparison to Thad.

Gibson on the other hand is a far more fluid athlete who moves better in space and plays at a physical level of a 3-4 OLB far more than Gholston currently can.
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MONTbigBuck;1621035; said:
Your point is valid, but as I recall AY went early in the fourth round, and I remember the speculation that he would enter the draft early even though he had a year left of eligibility because he was on schedule to graduate that quarter.

Youboty was drafted by Buffalo with the 6th pick in the 3rd round, 70th overall.

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My thinking on the subject has changed in the past couple of years, having heard numerous quotes from guys who left early who now regret it. It breaks my heart to think of someone giving up another year in S&G and then regretting it; knowing what I would give for just 5 minutes of that experience.

But some guys just don't like the whole college experience and really are better off, so long as they can make it in the league. Whatever the case with Thad, I wish him well.

It might even bode well for the Rose Bowl. I have been thinking that a 3-4 would be a good fit, going against the Oregon offense. A 3-4 looking like:

DE - Cam
NG - Dex
DE - Doug W.
(Clearly some platooning would go on with the DL)
IL - Spitler/Rolle (depending on down/distance)
IL - Homan
OL - Rolle/Williams (depending on down/distance)

With that line-up, and most especially with Thad trying to play his way into the first round; the Rose Bowl would be pretty thorny for the Ducks.
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DaddyBigBucks;1621417; said:
My thinking on the subject has changed in the past couple of years, having heard numerous quotes from guys who left early who now regret it. It breaks my heart to think of someone giving up another year in S&G and then regretting it; knowing what I would give for just 5 minutes of that experience.

But some guys just don't like the whole college experience and really are better off, so long as they can make it in the league. Whatever the case with Thad, I wish him well.

It might even bode well for the Rose Bowl. I have been thinking that a 3-4 would be a good fit, going against the Oregon offense. A 3-4 looking like:

DE - Cam
NG - Dex
DE - Doug W.
(Clearly some platooning would go on with the DL)
IL - Spitler/Rolle (depending on down/distance)
IL - Homan
OL - Rolle/Williams (depending on down/distance)

With that line-up, and most especially with Thad trying to play his way into the first round; the Rose Bowl would be pretty thorny for the Ducks.

You propose a reasonable scenario, especially if Thad is not overly aggressive and sticks with his assignment.

What do you think the chances are that the Bucks would employ such a change?
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CalvinistBuck;1621449; said:
...What do you think the chances are that the Bucks would employ such a change?


I'm an internet message board guy with 0.001% of the football knowledge of the most ignorant member of Jim Tressel's staff. If they end up using anything like this I would be astounded that I had stumbled across a scheme that was employed by knowledgeable coaches who had studied film of the opponent.

That will not, however, prevent me from bragging about it until the end of time (about 3 years and 4 days from now)
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