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DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

Great game for Thad today. There was one play in particular where Clark tried to pitch it to his right on a short yardage play, and I just couldn't believe how fast Thad was to get there and bring him down. Dude is just super fast, super strong and super aggresive...and totally played like a champion today.

That said, I didn't really hear Nate Williams name called much today...probably cause Thad just beat him to the ball...LOL!
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Sweet pic of Thad posted by the-ozone today...

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Like the leadership Thad is showing. Especially when Shelly Smith reported when Boom went out of the game with an injury and Thad went to him and told him to "get up, this is a big game." I know this will make some of you vomit but i would love to see him play for Dick Lebeau at the next level. I think he could lead the league in sacks in that zone blitz system as a rush OLB.
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Risers and Sliders: 2010 NFL Draft
By Tony Pauline, TFYDraft.com

The college football season has come to an end for a number of teams around the nation and several highly-rated underclassmen have decisions to make. With the deadline for application to the NFL draft seven weeks away, the non-seniors must decide whether they should opt for April's event. Scouts expect a record number of underclassmen to enter next year's draft, so this week's column concentrates on the draft stock of a dozen non-senior prospects.


Thaddeus Gibson/DE-OLB/Ohio State: Another Big Ten junior who has taken his game to another level this season, Gibson leads the Buckeyes in tackles for loss (11). Area scouts feel he has big time potential. He's thought to be a more dedicated and instinctive version of Vernon Gholston, the sixth pick of the 2008 draft.

Read more: Notre Dame's Golden Tate in 2010 NFL Draft risers and sliders? - NFL - SI.com
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Cleveland's OSU club honors the 2009 Buckeyes Tuesday night
By Bill Livingston, The Plain Dealer
November 24, 2009


Marvin Fong/The Plain Dealer
Former Euclid star Thaddeus Gibson was named the winner of the Lou Groza Award on Tuesday night as the top Ohio State football player from the Cleveland area.

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Several Cleveland metropolitan area and Northeast Ohio players received honors Tuesday night at the Cleveland Ohio State Alumni Club banquet at Windows on the River in The Flats.

The Lou "The Toe" Groza Award for the top player from the Cleveland area went to junior defensive lineman Thaddeus Gibson of Euclid. A converted linebacker, Gibson had 41 tackles, 23 of them solos, including 11 tackles for a loss and four sacks. He intercepted one pass, recovered two fumbles and forced two other fumbles.

Cleveland's OSU club honors the 2009 Buckeyes Tuesday night | Ohio State Buckeyes - cleveland.com - - cleveland.com
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Oneshot;1620972; said:
Haven't seen one big board in which Thad is in Round 1.

I would hate to see someone like Thad pull a Youboty. Or a Pittman, for that matter.

I think Pittman made the right decision. He had Beanie behind him for the time being and he knew Troy was probably leaving for the NFL. I don't think he would have held Beanie off the next year and he wouldn't have been a good fit for the more pro style offense we ran in 2007. Youboty, however, did make a bad choice IMO. As for Thad, if he's not projected to go in the first round I think he goes anyway. He's being evaluated as a linebacker right?
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