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DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

Back in the sack attack

Entering the season, Thaddeus Gibson was touted as the emerging sack specialist for Ohio State. But the junior defensive end had just one sack entering the eighth game of the season, and he trailed team leader Cameron Heyward by two.

Look who's leading now. Gibson had three sacks and leapt into the team lead.

"I wish I could do it every week," Gibson said. "It's just working hard in practice, then doing your assignment."

BuckeyeXtra - OSU notebook: Pryor-to-Posey prevails for two TDs
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Big Ten - ESPN

Big Ten Co-Defensive player of the week

CO-DEFENSE -- Ohio State DE Thaddeus Gibson and Iowa DE Adrian Clayborn

Gibson recorded a career high three sacks and a fumble recovery in leading a dominant defensive performance against Minnesota. Clayborn was just as ferocious for Iowa against Michigan State with three tackles for loss, two sacks and a forced fumble. Honorable mentions go to Penn State defensive end Jack Crawford and Penn State linebacker Navorro Bowman.
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osucollegebuck;1576665; said:
In the 8th pick in 2010 Draft the ________ select Thaddeus Gibson in the 1st round.

Perhaps.....that would be an amazing spot for him. I think he and Cam both roll the dice though. Sam Bradford has laid out why to leave when you have the chance so perfectly.....its been bad for college football.
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billmac91;1576673; said:
Perhaps.....that would be an amazing spot for him. I think he and Cam both roll the dice though. Sam Bradford has laid out why to leave when you have the chance so perfectly.....its been bad for college football.

dont get me wrong its tears my guts out when we guys declare early LOL But I can see why they leave if they get a 1st round grade.
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billmac91;1576673; said:
Perhaps.....that would be an amazing spot for him. I think he and Cam both roll the dice though. Sam Bradford has laid out why to leave when you have the chance so perfectly.....its been bad for college football.

I guarantee 100% that Cam will be back next year.

Thad, I'm not too sure about.
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Gibson a star pupil for Ohio State's Tressel
The Associated Press
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

COLUMBUS, Ohio ? What's brewing today with the 2009 Ohio State Buckeyes ...

BUCKEYES BUZZ: DE Thaddeus Gibson is the only current member of the team who also is taking a football coaching class taughtby head coach Jim Tressel.

"He's always in class, he's always in the first row," Tressel said. "So if you're there, you've got a chance."

Tressel added that he believes Will Smith is the only Ohio State player to ever get an A in the class.

OL Jim Cordle said he also got an A, but Tressel said he thought it was actually an A-.

"I think I got an A in that class," Cordle said with a grin. "I want to look back and check."

Gibson said he enjoys the class.

"You just learn more about the game from a great coach like coach Tressel," he said. "You can never get enough."

Gibson said he really enjoys when former Ohio State coach Earle Bruce lectures.

"Earle Bruce really gets you going bright and early in the morning," he said. "You walk in there a little bit tired, he'll definitely wake you up. That's for sure."

Tressel said not many players have taken his class.

"We had a couple take it the first year or two and they got a couple C minuses and B minuses," he said. "The word got out that's not the prof you want to take."

Gibson a star pupil for Ohio State's Tressel

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjvK4jWyjIY"]YouTube - 100 Yards With Howard & Thaddeus Gibson[/ame]
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Ohio State notebook: Head of the class
By Mike Popovich
CantonRep.com staff writer
Posted Oct 27, 2009

Defensive end Thaddeus Gibson is the only player who is taking Jim Tressel?s Coaching of Football class this fall.

?I just want to learn more about the game,? Gibson said. ?A great coach like Coach Tressel, you can never get enough. It?s a great class. It?s early, but I love getting up in the morning and attending that class.?

Tressel said Gibson comes to class every day and always sits in the front row. When he sees Gibson afterward, he sometimes asks him a question or two from the day?s lecture.

?He started avoiding me because we put him on the spot in front of the coaches and the other players,? Tressel said.

Tressel said not many of his players have taken the class. He believes former Buckeye Will Smith was the only one who received an A, although offensive tackle Jim Cordle claims he got one, too. Tressel said it was an A-minus.

?We had a couple take it the first year or two, and they got a couple C minuses and B minuses,? Tressel said. ?The word got out that?s not the prof you want to take.?

Gibson is targeting an A in the class, but admits he may be on track toward an A-minus.

?I?ll rival Jimmy Cordle on that one,? Gibson said.

Leading the ?D?

Gibson shared Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week honors with Iowa?s Adrian Clayborn. The junior from Euclid recorded a career-high three sacks and recovered a fumble in the Buckeyes? 38-7 win over Minnesota.

Gibson had just one sack in the first seven games.

?I was just having a non-stop motor, just running to the ball and trying to make plays,? Gibson said. ?I talked to (Defensive Coordinator Jim Heacock) a lot, and he told me to just be patient and your plays will come to you. ... I just tried to focus on getting better in practice and going out there and performing.?

Ohio State notebook: Head of the class - Canton, OH - CantonRep.com
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From Hunted to Hunter: Gibson Trades Playing QB for Hunting Them
By Brandon Castel

Sitting in the film room, his eyes were glued to the quarterback, studying his every move.

What did he do that made him great? What are his strengths? His weaknesses?

These are all questions that ran through the mind of a young Thaddeus Gibson, but not for the reason most would expect.

Today, he hunts quarterbacks for a living as one of the more feared defensive ends in the Big Ten, but ironically it wasn't long ago that Gibson dreamt of being one of the hunted instead of the hunters.


Thaddeus Gibson
Photo by Jim Davidson Thaddeus Gibson

"Growing up I always wanted to be a quarterback," said the Ohio State junior, who was named co-Big Ten Player of the Week after his three-sack performance against Minnesota this past Saturday.

As a freshman at Euclid High School, just outside of Cleveland, Gibson weighed less than 200 pounds when he tried out for quarterback. Despite being one of the fastest players on the roster, Gibson could not beat out the guy in front of him and didn't take long for the coaching staff to realize his talents were better suited for the opposite side of the ball.

"They said that I was a better defensive player than I was a quarterback," said Gibson, who now weighs over 240 pounds.

"I had some sacks as a freshman and the last two games of the varsity season I was starting varsity at defensive end."

It felt good. Damn good.

The-Ozone, Ohio State Football, Wrestling, Softball, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball and More
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Ohio State spotlight: Thaddeus Gibson
Thursday, October 29, 2009
By Tim May


PHOTO (top): Ohio State's Thaddeus Gibson earned Big Ten co-defensive player of the week honors after recording three sacks against Minnesota. (Neal C. Lauron, Dispatch)

Thaddeus Gibson said he has no plans to don a disguise for Halloween tonight. It is the Ohio State defensive end's desire to be just as scary as he was during the Buckeyes' home game with New Mexico State this afternoon.

If he plays the way he did against Minnesota a week ago, he could be terrifying to the Aggies. Gibson had a career-high three sacks and provided a constant push into the backfield on the way to being named the Big Ten co-defensive player of the week. He also chalked up a fumble recovery.

It was the kind of overall game that fans had been expecting from the junior defensive end on a consistent basis this season. OSU coaches said Gibson had been playing well all along, but now he has some stats to back it up.

"Like all these other guys, I work hard every day at trying to get better," Gibson said.

Coach Jim Tressel vouched for that.

"Thaddeus is a guy who is constantly at that facility," Tressel said. "He is studying film. He's in that weight room. He's a committed young guy. He's a good leader."

Channeling all of that into getting after quarterbacks has been Gibson's focus for a while. Ironically, growing up in Euclid, near Cleveland, his dream was to play quarterback. But his freshman year in high school he couldn't beat out another player, so the coaches switched him to defense. The last two games of that year, he got a couple of sacks for the varsity and was hooked.

Now, Gibson tries to take out his aggression on the fellows living his previous dream.

In the pursuit, Gibson prefers not to enter through the back gate or sneak up out of nowhere. He likes to come "trick or treat" fashion through the front door.

"I want 'em to see me, definitely," Gibson said, "Whatever you want to do after that, whether it's run away or take it like a man, let's do it."


College football: Resolve leads to success for Ohio State's Gibson
Published: Friday, October 30, 2009
By Rusty Miller
Associated Press

COLUMBUS — Two years ago, Thaddeus Gibson was close to leaving the Ohio State football team because he felt he was a forgotten man.

Now he's one of the best defensive linemen in the Big Ten and part of a front wall that is the strength of the No. 17 Buckeyes.

"I just appreciate those guys sticking with me," he said of the coaching staff and his teammates. "Being young and anxious to play, coming from a high school where you were the all-star guy, coming here and not having the opportunity was just hard for me."

Gibson, now a junior starting defensive end for the Buckeyes, was an acclaimed linebacker recruit out of Euclid. He was known for his pass rush, with 10 sacks and 24 hurries as a senior. He also played basketball for the Panthers.

When he came to Ohio State, he was shifted to defensive line and found that he was behind several quality players. He redshirted his first year, then played special teams and seldom got in on defense.

"Sometimes you want it too fast. You want to come in and be the man," teammate and fellow lineman Doug Worthington said. "I just had to let him know that you've got a couple of guys in front of you that are pretty good in Vernon Gholston and all the other defensive linemen, like Jay Richardson. You've got to take your time and just go out and prepare."

Gibson still wasn't sure it was worth the wait.

Coach Jim Tressel knew that Gibson was unhappy, but didn't think he'd return home.

"No. He didn't have a car, I don't think. (It's) a long walk to Euclid," Tressel cracked earlier this week. "And kids don't hitchhike anymore."

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