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DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

DE - Cam
NG - Dex
DE - Doug W.
(Clearly some platooning would go on with the DL)
IL - Spitler/Rolle (depending on down/distance)
IL - Homan
OL - Rolle/Williams (depending on down/distance)
They've done this frequently this year :wink:
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jwinslow;1621460; said:
They've done this frequently this year :wink:

And with Dex's return(EDIT: to full health), I certainly expect to see it on Jan 1.

My thought is that this would work better as the base-set than the 4-3 against Oregon. At the risk of belaboring the point though; that's not a particularly educated opinion. The highest level I ever coached was Pop Warner 13-14 year olds.
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jwinslow;1621463; said:
This is a more frequent deployment... they used Hines (or Russell) at the star instead of the 3rd back.

...and keeping Rolle on the inside regardless of down-and-distance.

That doesn't bother me at all, as he proved over and over this year that his motor and intelligence are an asset on the inside regardless of the situation. While there were plays here and there where he made mistakes, the same could be said of any linebacker, especially in their first year starting at D1A.

Either way, a 4-3 with Thad at OLB just strikes me as a nightmare for the Ducks.
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OneBuckeye;1621475; said:

They have been running a 3-4 all year long.

Everyone knows that.

My main point about the 3-4 is:

  1. Dex is back (I posted more about that in his thread some time ago)
  2. I think it will work well against Oregon
  3. I had specific ideas about personnel, especially given that with Oregon's pace you often don't have the chance to change personnel much.
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Gibson, Heyward should return, analyst says

NFL draft analyst Todd McShay of ESPN commented on a teleconference about whether Ohio State juniors Thaddeus Gibson and Cameron Heyward should declare for the draft.

"I have been a little bit disappointed in Thaddeus Gibson," McShay said. "He's been good, but he just didn't take that big step I thought he would (this season). I thought he would improve his pass-rushing skills a little bit more. ? It's been a little frustrating (watching him) because I see the skills there; I see the burst and the athleticism.

"Should he come out, teams will consider him in the later portion of the first round and the second round. To me, of all the underclassmen on that team, I think Gibson has the greatest upside. But I would love to see him come back and play (his senior season)."

Small won't go to Rose Bowl, father confirms | BuckeyeXtra
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osucollegebuck;1393519; said:

My Fiesta Bowl signs

My Thaddeus sign is making another (possibly its last trip to a bowl game) to a BCS Bowl.
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MililaniBuckeye;1624512; said:
Actually, McAsshat has some valid points...Gibson had a solid year but really wasn't much better--if at all--than he was late in his sophomore year.

I agree in this case, but McShay's analysis of Jake Locker will forever make me smile. He's got about as much credibility as Kiper's maid.
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