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DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

Bingo... The only way they wouldn't accept him is if he can't even get past the clearinghouse. That's why they set up the Kinesiology major...

It would ALMOST be worth it for two reasons.

1) An Ohio kid would be in a good school on a full ride. This would be a good thing.

2) Those people from TSUN could never open their yaps again about their academic superiority....ever.

Always root for the kid.
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Always root for the kid.

Great advice.

TG is more than likely going to prep school...the other schools just don't want to burn bridges. Right now, he needs a significant jump.

Do you realize how many kids would love to have their 9th or 10 th grade year to do over? Its all fun and games then...no concept of the grades affecting their future.
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Great advice.

TG is more than likely going to prep school...the other schools just don't want to burn bridges. Right now, he needs a significant jump.

Do you realize how many kids would love to have their 9th or 10 th grade year to do over? Its all fun and games then...no concept of the grades affecting their future.

Come college time I know that I wished for them back. First two years of college could be counted in that column as well... :biggrin:
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Are we the clear favorite for Thad? I have always just assumed that he would be a Buck once his grades were okayed by the staff. By him having an official visit date (Unlike Mark Johnson), hopefully the coaches are comfortable enough with his grades to put the court press on.
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Not to hijack the thread, but I though Johnson had an official visit set up for 1/6?

He said he had a visit set for then but then another article said that Tressel never even visited him while in California and most recently that he wants to set up a visit here. I think we may not even be pursuing him. However I highly doubt Gibson gets his grades high enough to make it into OSU though I hope he does.
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Either way, I think we all agree that the best thing, regardless of where Thad ends up, is for him to use his brain and his football skills to get himself a college education.
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