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DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

One of JT's biggest assets as a recruiter is that the vast majority of his kids have passed the clearinghouse and remained eligible at Ohio State; one of JT's predecessor's biggest weaknesses was losing a half dozen kids from each class to academic issues. I'd be careful before advocating a return to the standards of the previous regime.

I would think whoever JT takes a chance on would stand a very good to great chance of being qualified or they would not do so.
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Carpenter was already a big boy (235-240?) when he got here, and was able to bulk up to a listed 260 without losing any speed. Not sure if Gibson has the frame to do the same. Besides, while Carp slid down to DE at times, he still was primarily a LB.
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Carpenter was already a big boy (235-240?) when he got here, and was able to bulk up to a listed 260 without losing any speed. Not sure if Gibson has the frame to do the same. Besides, while Carp slid down to DE at times, he still was primarily a LB.

So true, Carpenter was huge when he annouced he was coming to OSU. What a great athlete. Gibson might have a frame more like Courtland Bullard, taller, rangy and cat quick. I will not offer up any opinions about how they cover TE's though. :wink2:

Milli, I just noticed and was shocked to see you follow through on that "proposed bet". Maybe you're not so bad after all :biggrin: .
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Heard from a source I consider highly reliable that both that the school up north and Tenny visted Thaddeus at home this week, but OSU did not. According to what I hear, OSU wants to see a major improvement on his ACT before OSU will seriously pursue him. He hopes to visit OSU in January though.
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Duane has been saying that ship has sailed for almost a month also. I can see him being a VOL.

I was aware of what Duane has been saying but other insiders lately have been saying their was a possibility that he may indeed make the grade. From what I am hearing now, he may be involved with Michigan and Tennessee, but that does not mean he will be admitted. His situation is that bad.

What really makes me sad about this kid is that if he had the grades, he would be a Buckeye. A tremendous football player. Lets hope if he has to go the junior college route that he turns it around and gets an opportunity to play again.
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If he can't make the grade for tOSU then there's no way in hell he can make it for that team up north right? Or is all the talk about how they're better than us academically only when it concerns non athletes? :roll2:
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