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DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

HH said on bucknuts that we locked someone up this morning with the "new standards" or something to that effect. could be gibson

he said that it was a recruit that was talked about quite frequently that until today didn't have much of a chance at getting in.

given the kids that HH is familiar with, Walter Dublin and Greg Mathews are the two likely candidates, with Dublin likely the one in question.
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I have heard for a long time that we are the leaders for Mark Johnson, though grades have been a question, as well as Gibson. However, as far as Dublin goes... I wasn;t aware of any grade questions. Mathews is solid scUM. Possabilities:
Gibson, Mark Johnson, Derrell Johnson, Dublin, Cumberland...
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Let's all remember that academic issues don't end on Signing Day. These kids still have to finish their senior years, pass the clearinghouse, and then stay eligible in college. For every Joe Cooper and Joe Montgomery who hears the "academic wake up call" and begins to produce at the college level, there are dozens of Dareus Hileys and Reggie Smiths who never "get it" and flunk out of school. One of JT's biggest assets as a recruiter is that the vast majority of his kids have passed the clearinghouse and remained eligible at Ohio State; one of JT's predecessor's biggest weaknesses was losing a half dozen kids from each class to academic issues. I'd be careful before advocating a return to the standards of the previous regime.
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LJB makes a very sensible point. A win on signing day isn't a win unless that kid makes it through his four seasons of eligibility. Someone who drops out or never makes it is just a guy who took an offer away from a kid who would have qualified and potentially played.
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Rivals $ (Penn St.)


Gibson is visiting Tennessee this weekend. He is mapping out his visit to Penn St., but doesn't have a date set yet.

It doesn't say for sure, but it looks like tOSU may be getting his last visit, which I always like to see. Now if Thaddeus can just get the grades he needs... :)

while speculation on my part, osu getting gibson's last visit is not going to be an accident. the purpose is twofold. first, the last visit gives a chance to leave a last impression. secondly, it gives osu more time to see his academic progress and probably get the results of his ACT test on 12/10.
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Bucknuts - "Quick Read", 11/28/05 (Free)

Duane Long:
"Euclid's Thaddeus Gibson seems to have found his way back into the recruiting mix. I do not know the details but there is no question he has resurfaced. The Buckeyes lead for him."

Putting 2 and 2 together, but it seems as though Thaddeus Gibson quite possibly could be the player that we may have "locked up" due to new grade standards. Saying that the Buckeyes lead for him within a week and a half of visiting the biggest threat for his services (scUM) is a BIG plus for the Bucks...

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