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DE/LB Nathan Williams (official thread)

MililaniBuckeye;2078373; said:
There's far more to being a Buckeye than just playing football. Players must respect the university that gave them the privilege of donning the uniform. They can't disrepect it being feeling sorry for themselves just because they got beat.
I agree with everything you say here, Mili. Just don't see that not singing the alma mater after the game is being disrespectful of the university.
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Ohio State senior defensive end out for spring
Posted by Ben Kercheval on March 23, 2012

Knocked out in Ohio State?s season-opening game against Akron with a knee injury, defensive end Nathan Williams will also miss all of spring practices for the Buckeyes as well.

The school confirmed today that Williams will be sidelined for the spring as he continues to recover from knee surgery that cost the senior all of the 2011 season. The announcement isn?t a complete surprise, but spring is almost always a time of limited depth and having Williams back would have been nice for the Buckeyes.

Still, no need to rush Williams back, as the redshirt senior should be available by the time fall camp rolls around.

As a junior in 2010, Williams was seventh on the team in tackles (46), grabbed an interception and recovered two fumbles.

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MaxBuck;2078376; said:
I agree with everything you say here, Mili. Just don't see that not singing the alma mater after the game is being disrespectful of the university.

If the team is singing the alma mater as a group being led by their head coach it is absolutely disrespectful to not participate in it.

That said, I hope Nathan is able to have a healthy, strong senior season ending with singing Carmen Ohio in the Shoe after beating the hell out of Michigan.
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Williams still on mend

Senior defensive end Nathan Williams has been on the field in uniform and pads the past two weeks but hasn?t taken part in drills. Williams, who missed almost all of last season because of a knee injury that required microfracture surgery, is still on the mend. He likely won?t be allowed to run until June, Meyer said, but he added that Williams is working hard in the weight room and elsewhere on drills he?s allowed to do.

?He?s doing stuff in the (treadmill) pool right now; that?s a tough injury,? Meyer said. ?He?s working his tail off.?

Not only is Williams expected to be able to return in the fall, ?We need him,? Meyer said.

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sparcboxbuck;2182160; said:
I did miss his play last year. He's a lot of fun to watch. Looking forward to a healthy season with Nate in the backfield a lot.

Agreed, there is no current play for whom I wish more success than Nathan Williams. He attended buckeye games before he got his scholarship offer, according to early posts in this thread.

It is my idle speculation and personal opinion that since he made the pre-camp two deep, he is medically good to go. I may recall that in June he was cleared for jogging (bug I can no longer find the reference), which I believe means that he was cleared for reasonably hard workouts in July. If there are no reports to the contrary, I believe he is been cleared for Fall camp.

My best wishes to to his continued health.
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maximumblitz;2182497; said:
Agreed, there is no current play for whom I wish more success than Nathan Williams. He attended buckeye games before he got his scholarship offer, according to early posts in this thread.

It is my idle speculation and personal opinion that since he made the pre-camp two deep, he is medically good to go. I may recall that in June he was cleared for jogging (bug I can no longer find the reference), which I believe means that he was cleared for reasonably hard workouts in July. If there are no reports to the contrary, I believe he is been cleared for Fall camp.

My best wishes to to his continued health.

Frankly, when he committed I wasn't overly excited. I was totally taken back by his ability to get on the field his frosh campaign... and have been delighted ever since.
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