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DE/LB Nathan Williams (official thread)

Here's a longer version of the info:

* DE Nathan Williams said he feels 90% right now and expects to play in the season-opener against Miami.
* Williams has been going through some contact drills, but no live hitting yet for him.
* Williams said last season was tough because he felt like the forgotten man. Said Coach Meyer made him feel important again. Meyer said this D-Line could be on same level as his ?06 and ?08 teams if Williams is healthy.
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Ohio State football: Williams eager to get back on field
Knee injury forced defender to miss most of last season
By Bill Rabinowitz
The Columbus Dispatch Monday August 13, 2012

The vision sustained Nathan Williams in his darkest moments.

Now it is within his reach, if not within his grasp.

During these past 12 months, when his return from microfracture knee surgery was in doubt, Williams had this image in his mind: Game day at Ohio Stadium, running from the tunnel onto the field, soaking in the roar of 100,000 fans and the brotherhood of his teammates.

But for most of that time, the Buckeyes? senior defensive end has been apart from those teammates, in practice but not spirit. While they have been pounding each other getting ready for Ohio State?s season opener Sept. 1 against Miami University, Williams is still confined to individual drills.

But he is getting closer, a lot closer than he felt even at the start of camp.

?I?d say I?m pretty close to about 90 percent right now,? Williams said in his first comments to the media since his knee injury.

?I?ve made a lot of progress within the last month that I?m really excited about. I was kind of down in the dumps this offseason, questioning whether or not I?d be able to able to get back for the first game 100 percent. Right now, everything?s looking on par.?

Williams said his right knee was injured early in training camp last year. He tried to practice through it, took some time off in August and then gave it a shot in the opener against Akron. Before halftime, he knew he couldn?t play on it.

?I just couldn?t take it anymore,? Williams said. ?I was having a hard time walking, bending my knee.?


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Clearly this is a fine young man. I hope that his knees take him anywhere he wants to go, but suspect that his playing career will be significantly shortented.

If he has worked as hard in the classroom as he has as player, he will be a great success.
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Ditching the dummy
Returning from major knee injury a tough process for senior DE Williams
Updated: August 13, 2012
By Austin Ward | BuckeyeNation

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Like a true best friend, the arms are always open wide and waiting for a little close contact.

Nathan Williams isn't looking for a hug, though. And honestly, he'd much rather trade in the dummy that is taking consistent abuse from him behind the north end zone on the Ohio State practice field for a real person.

But the senior isn't completely cleared yet for that kind of physical activity, so on a steamy Tuesday afternoon, the defensive end keeps chopping on those padded arms and working on his technique on his own, pausing every now and then to watch the Buckeyes he's intent on joining again after microfracture knee surgery.

"I spent a lot of time with [that dummy] this last week," Williams joked on Sunday during his first interview of training camp. "We've had a lot of bonding, one-on-one time.

"I'm strengthening our relationship out there, and hopefully I can work on a couple moves at the same time."


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itching the dummy
Returning from major knee injury a tough process for senior DE Williams
Updated: August 13, 2012
By Austin Ward | BuckeyeNation


COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Like a true best friend, the arms are always open wide and waiting for a little close contact.

Nathan Williams isn't looking for a hug, though. And honestly, he'd much rather trade in the dummy that is taking consistent abuse from him behind the north end zone on the Ohio State practice field for a real person.

But the senior isn't completely cleared yet for that kind of physical activity, so on a steamy Tuesday afternoon, the defensive end keeps chopping on those padded arms and working on his technique on his own, pausing every now and then to watch the Buckeyes he's intent on joining again after microfracture knee surgery.

"I spent a lot of time with [that dummy] this last week," Williams joked on Sunday during his first interview of training camp. "We've had a lot of bonding, one-on-one time.

"I'm strengthening our relationship out there, and hopefully I can work on a couple moves at the same time."


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Progress report: The final decision isn't in yet for Nathan Williams.

But the Buckeyes should have a pretty good idea of whether or not the senior defensive lineman will be available in some capacity against Miami (Ohio) this weekend after practice on Monday evening.

For now, that still leaves Meyer with his fingers crossed.

"Today is a big day for Nate," Meyer said. "He's been up and down, trying his heart out. Tough injury, and I would hope to have him for a limited basis in the first game. Today's a big day for him.

"We work, rest, work, rest, work, rest. Now we're in a game week and we have to find out what we can do."

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