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DE/LB Nathan Williams (official thread)

I have wanted to ask too but I knew the policy. So maybe a different spin then: what is the general opinion about his impact this year? If he can somehow get back to his preinjury form or close to it, it would be awesome. That opens up things for Simon to play his natural spot, yes?

I know all the talk about Sparty's D being one of the best in conference this year but I think the pieces are there for us to dominate. Nate's health, the hopeful emergence of Curtis Grant, Sabino playing to his potential, Shazier taking it up another notch (amazing to think he will just be in his 2nd year) and seeing the secondary come together. I think about all this plus seeing how the whole coaching staff works together on the D side. Fick and Withers working together,etc. All of these things will be interesting to see but for some reason seeing whether Williams can get back to form will be one of the things I hope for the most. The guy deserves a good senior season and could really help to rally the troops. Everything seemed to change last year when he went down, I would love to see his return help spark the turnaround.

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It still remains to be seen if Williams can make a full recovery in time to be the same player he was before his injury ? he was one of the best pass rushers in the Big Ten ? but the senior told BSB that he expects to be a main contributor once again.

Meyer said Williams is ahead of schedule for his return from micro-fracture knee surgery and could be a big addition to an already deep Ohio State defensive front.

?Nathan Williams I?d say is right on schedule, if not a touch ahead,? Meyer said. ?He?ll be on the team, he?ll report, but he won?t be at full speed. He is cutting, he?s accelerating and doing things a little bit ahead of schedule and the training staff and him are doing a great job.?
A bowl game would have given another 5 weeks to the season ...
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Walked passed him a week or two ago on the way to my morning class. Good heavens he is a large human being. Hope he can make a healthy return this year, if he can watch out because that would really add to our serious talent on the d-line.
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Meyer Rooting for Williams
Speaking of Williams, the fifth-year senior was at practice Monday, wearing football pants and his jersey. He was running around with his helmet in hand, but did not participate in position drills or the scrimmage.
Nathan Williams
Photo by Dan Harker
Williams spent most of the day watching the defensive line or working on the side with Jordan Hall, but he could be close to making some type of return. Meyer said he asked strength coach Mickey Marotti why Williams wasn?t involved in more drills.
Marotti told him it?s because the doctors are being extra cautious with Williams, as they don?t want to risk a setback in his return from microfracture surgery. Meyer said his dream is to have Williams and Simon on the field together, and that he ?bleeds for a guy? who loves football as much as Nathan Williams.
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Published: 8/8/2012
Ohio State's Williams raring to return

COLUMBUS -- Pity the tackling dummy that made the acquaintance of Ohio State defensive end Nathan Williams on Tuesday.

As the senior's teammates on the line mashed helmets during live drills on the field, Williams spent the final period of the Buckeyes' practice exploding into a floppy-armed red stand-in. Think he was raring to return?

"Your heart bleeds for a guy like Nathan Williams," coach Urban Meyer said. "I'm starting to really know that guy. Taking football away from him, he lives for it. It's been hard."

As it stood, the sight of Williams in a helmet and shoulder pads participating in individual drills was a welcome sight for OSU. Meyer said Williams is on course for an early-season return from the microfracture knee surgery that cost the veteran pass-rusher the 2011 season.

Coaches hope Williams will reclaim his starting spot on the edge opposite All-Big Ten senior end John Simon, adding further depth to a line already considered the strength of the defense. Junior Johnathan Hankins will anchor the interior while the two five-star headliners from Meyer's first recruiting class -- ends Adolphus Washington and Noah Spence -- are both in the mix for early playing time.

Meyer knows what the return of a player with next-level potential means to the defense. He is on board with the training staff's conservative handling of Williams.

"We can't have a setback," Meyer said. "I asked the question Friday, 'Why didn't he do this individual drill?" [Our medical staff] is doing a good job. They're keeping a governor, because he'd do it all, and all of the sudden, you have a setback. They told me it would be 10 days backward. We can't have that."

Williams ranks second among current Buckeyes with 10 career sacks and 21.5 tackles for a loss.

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There has been a lot of talk about playing for the seniors like always. Maybe it's more so this year with the bowl ban. For some reason Williams seems like the poster child for this. I hope he can get back to form because to me he seems to symbolize the transformation of the whole squad. Like the team, he was down last year and is trying to come back. Not sure if he is a vocal guy or not but his impact on the team this year is an interesting thing to see. I'd work my butt off and rally behind a guy like him.
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