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DE/LB Nathan Williams (official thread)

Taosman;2064434; said:
Ozone is saying Williams got a medical reshirt. Does this mean he's got 2 years left? How bad was the knee? Read he had it scoped which could mean anything.

southcampus;2064440; said:
No. It means he has one year left. The 2012-2013 football season will count as his final year of eligibility.

southcampus is right. Williams played in 2008, 2009, and 2010 in addition to this past season, so he had used his four years of playing eligibility...since he didn't use a normal redshirt previously he had to resort to the medical redshirt for this past season.
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MililaniBuckeye;2078109; said:
Every single non-senior player who did this (bolded) need to sit the first game next season. That or run gassers every fucking day until you puke.

shazier and one other player besides williams were present for carmen ohio...hopefully urban makes this once and only mistake known tomorrow at 7 am
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MililaniBuckeye;2078109; said:
Every single non-senior player who did this (bolded) need to sit the first game next season. That or run gassers every [censored]ing day until you puke.

Just ask Josh Harris and the rest of the BG players about the infamous strategically placed trash cans for the gassers they had to run when UFM took over at BG...maybe that's what this team needs come tomorrow.
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y0yoyoin;2078117; said:
shazier and one other player besides williams were present for carmen ohio...hopefully urban makes this once and only mistake known tomorrow at 7 am

Linked to the comment section of the article from the Cleveland Press is what I assume a quote from Nathan's mom.....

Doug, THANK YOU for putting this on here!!! It is killing my son to not be out there!!!! This gave me goose bumps and eyes full of water. I love you, son and GO BUCKS in 2012!!!!!
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MaxBuck;2078118; said:
Honestly, I have no problem with Buckeye players who wanted to get their asses off the field after that performance. Whether or not they sang the alma mater has nothing to do with how well they'll play next season.

There's far more to being a Buckeye than just playing football. Players must respect the university that gave them the privilege of donning the uniform. They can't disrepect it being feeling sorry for themselves just because they got beat.
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BuckNut65;2078130; said:
Just ask Josh Harris and the rest of the BG players about the infamous strategically placed trash cans for the gassers they had to run when UFM took over at BG...maybe that's what this team needs come tomorrow.
I bet there will some player attrition because of this.

darbypitcher22;2078321; said:
Probably a good chance that something like that is going on inside the WHAC right now.
I'd say more than a good chance.
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