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DE/LB Nathan Williams (official thread)

heisman;2001605; said:
Redshirt possibility?

He would be, but he falls into that category of a specialized skill in the NFL, where irregardless of a redshirt year or not, he is looking at mid to late rounds in the draft. For that reason, if he looking at the NFL as a profession, a medical redshirt makes no sense.

In contrast, a guy like Tyler Moeller made perfect sense b/c his NFL future was non-existant after the injury. A last year of football made sense for him.
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billmac91;2001609; said:
He would be, but he falls into that category of a specialized skill in the NFL, where irregardless of a redshirt year or not, he is looking at mid to late rounds in the draft. For that reason, if he looking at the NFL as a profession, a medical redshirt makes no sense.

In contrast, a guy like Tyler Moeller made perfect sense b/c his NFL future was non-existant after the injury. A last year of football made sense for him.

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billmac91;2001609; said:
He would be, but he falls into that category of a specialized skill in the NFL, where irregardless of a redshirt year or not, he is looking at mid to late rounds in the draft. For that reason, if he looking at the NFL as a profession, a medical redshirt makes no sense.

In contrast, a guy like Tyler Moeller made perfect sense b/c his NFL future was non-existant after the injury. A last year of football made sense for him.

if he is can't play the remainder of the year, his "mid to late round" selction most likely becomes "undrafted free agent". Why not come back to earn back a mid round pick status?
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In Nate's absence, what about moving Sabino down to LEO. It is already being discussed that Shazier will be playing more so he could take Bino's place. IDK, just a thought. Maybe it would be tough to learn that position on the fly since it took him over 3 years to learn the position he has played his whole life...Sure wish Keith Wells would have kept his shit together!
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bucknut502;2002123; said:
In Nate's absence, what about moving Sabino down to LEO. It is already being discussed that Shazier will be playing more so he could take Bino's place. IDK, just a thought. Maybe it would be tough to learn that position on the fly since it took him over 3 years to learn the position he has played his whole life...Sure wish Keith Wells would have kept his [Mark May] together!

Agreed on Sabino but Keith Wells (unless he did a complete 180 in practice) was never going to see the field here.
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OmahaBeef;2010875; said:
Williams out for the year: http://twitter.com/#!/LoriSchmidt/status/123793191873937409

Will he got a medical red shirt and get another year of eligibility?

Almost certainly.

He won't be drafted at this point. Another year in college if he can recover and come back and be the same player (Or better), he'll be in the 3rd-5th round range give or take. That'll be enough to show he deserves the redshirt.
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This is good news as far as I'm concerned. I'd rather he recover completely and come back at near or full strength than come back too early on a sub-par Buckeye team. Get well Nate, we'll need you next year. In the meantime, lets get some younger guys in the rotation and get them ready as well.
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