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DE/LB Nathan Williams (official thread)

MT grad Williams has fumble recovery, sack against Michigan
Ohio State junior Nathan Williams had a well-rounded game Saturday in a 37-7 win over Michigan.

Williams recovered a fumble, sacked Michigan's Tate Forcier, deflected a pass and recorded six total tackles, giving him 44 on the season, which is tied for fourth on the team.

Williams recalled the fumble recovery in his post-game comments to the media.

"I think I was playing off the No. 3 receiver, from the outside in," Williams said. "I saw (the play) going away from me. Denard was running the ball. He passed me and then another one of my teammates passed me and he hit the ball out, so I just dove on top of it."

What about beating Michigan, again?

"Man, it's great," Williams said. "Beating Michigan is the goal of every football player that comes to Ohio State. We got the job accomplished and we're going to do it again next year, hopefully."

"It was a great season, reflecting back," Williams said. "We had a lot of big plays and we overcame adversity in a lot of situations. We beat some good teams and we lost to a really, really good team (Wisconsin).

"We have some great players on our team that obviously overcome adversity," Williams said. "When the times get tough, they step up. That just shows the type of character we all have. It's a testament to our coaches, as well, for keeping us all together.

"Our seniors do a good job of leading us," Williams said. "This is the best senior leadership I've been a part of since I've been here with Cam (Heyward) and Dex (Dexter Larimore) representing us on the 'D' line.

"We're going to a bowl game," Williams said. "We just beat Michigan, so I would say it's a pretty successful season."

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Did Williams get hurt yesterday? I thought I saw him in sweats in the second half? Granted I was at the game and couldn't see our sideline that well, but i don't recall seeing him in on anything big yesterday either.
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