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DE/LB Nathan Williams (official thread)

Bucks21;1991092; said:
I think Shazier should get on the field as much as possible, he just has natural playing making abilities, hopefully being here in the spring can help him contribute soon.

He currently plays WLB, not LEO. He needs to pack on a lot of bulk before he could hold the point of attack on the line of scrimmage.

Talking about Shazier in replacement of Williams makes no sense at this point.
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Buckeye86;1991113; said:
He currently plays WLB, not LEO. He needs to pack on a lot of bulk before he could hold the point of attack on the line of scrimmage.

Talking about Shazier in replacement of Williams makes no sense at this point.

Agreed. Shazier has looked REALLY good for a true frosh. But if he's moving anywhere from LB, it's to a position like Star, not to LEO.
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He currently plays WLB, not LEO. He needs to pack on a lot of bulk before he could hold the point of attack on the line of scrimmage.

Talking about Shazier in replacement of Williams makes no sense at this point.
The original reason I mentioned it was because the coaches have mentioned how impressed they were with his ability to rush the passer. Obviously he is very undersized for the LEO but on obvious passing down he will be considered.
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korchiki;1991127; said:
The original reason I mentioned it was because the coaches have mentioned how impressed they were with his ability to rush the passer. Obviously he is very undersized for the LEO but on obvious passing down he will be considered.

LEO is not the only position from which the passer can be rushed.
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korchiki;1991164; said:
True. But he is not one of our top 3 all-around LB's on the roster.

Again all I am saying is that he is an option for obvious passing downs to play the LEO as he has done before this season.

Just having him on the field in general on 3rd and long situations is a no brainer. We saw him in those situations last week, and will again this week. Not necessarily as a replacement at the LEO, but his pass rushing ability will be needed, regardless of where it is coming from.
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Just having him on the field in general on 3rd and long situations is a no brainer. We saw him in those situations last week, and will again this week. Not necessarily as a replacement at the LEO, but his pass rushing ability will be needed, regardless of where it is coming from.
Agree and said better than I did originally.

Back to NW, we are going to miss his presence in the field. Kid is a big time player when healthy. Any idea how long this might take?
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ScarletnGray 33;1991168; said:
Just having him on the field in general on 3rd and long situations is a no brainer. We saw him in those situations last week, and will again this week. Not necessarily as a replacement at the LEO, but his pass rushing ability will be needed, regardless of where it is coming from.

Plus that is what he did in high school, he rushed the passer naturally. I don't see what the problem is, he is almost exactly a carbon copy of Jamel Turner coming out of high school and everybody said he was a slam dunk for the Leo position. You can have J.T Moore on first and second downs, and let Shazier loose on third down, plus I know he is excited to be back in Florida, why not...
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MSURacerDT55;1991319; said:
Plus that is what he did in high school, he rushed the passer naturally. I don't see what the problem is, he is almost exactly a carbon copy of Jamel Turner coming out of high school and everybody said he was a slam dunk for the Leo position. You can have J.T Moore on first and second downs, and let Shazier loose on third down, plus I know he is excited to be back in Florida, why not...

He had his hand down on at least one play against Toledo that I noticed (would have to re-watch to get exact # of times), so the coaching staff isn't opposed to doing that. I look forward to seeing this kid do work.
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I saw the coaches get SHazier on the field on that last drive to get a speed rush off the edge. He was close to getting around the RT but the QB got the ball out too quick. I honestly see Shazier as a guy who needs to be on the field on every play because his ability to cover some serious ground. I dont see the point of dropping him back to the star position because I believe the Bryant would be more of an asset at the star. But I think Shazier would have been a huge asset in slowing down some of those Toledo screen plays. Shazier needs to be involved in OSU blitz packages because if he can break through the line clean, he's going to get to the QB. His sack from the Akron game is a perfect example where Klein and Shazier crossed and Klein's action pulled the guard out of position freeing up Shazier untouched to the QB.
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