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DE/LB Nathan Williams (official thread)

Ohio State notebook: Defensive end will miss rest of season
By Tim May
The Columbus Dispatch Wednesday October 12, 2011

Ohio State finally gained definitive word on the status of talented defensive end Nathan Williams yesterday, and it was not good.

Out since the first game when he sustained a knee injury that needed arthroscopic surgery, Williams now has been ruled out for the rest of the season, coach Luke Fickell said. Williams awaits another surgery, said to be a microfracture procedure in which cartilage growth is induced in the joint.

?Obviously I feel terrible for him,? OSU linebacker Andrew Sweat said. ?He?s one of our best defensive players. He?s one of my best friends. I wish him the best in his recovery, and I am sure he will be back at it as soon as he can.?

Williams wasn?t available for comment, and it?s not known whether the fourth-year senior will opt to take a medical redshirt year for this season and come back next year.

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With what the NCAA has been doing to Ohio State lately, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they won't grant the medical redshirt for some retarded reason. "Sorry, Williams, but we just found out that you found a golf ball in your back yard and you didn't turn it in to police. You're suspended for the 2012 season and you owe us 50 tickets to the Kentucky Derby."
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According to this week's tOSU media notes for the Penn State game, Nathan Williams will NOT be taking part in Senior Day.

It would seem to be a reasonable assumption that he plans on taking the medical redshirt and returning to tOSU for 2012.
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BB73;2037827; said:
According to this week's tOSU media notes for the Penn State game, Nathan Williams will NOT be taking part in Senior Day.

It would seem to be a reasonable assumption that he plans on taking the medical redshirt and returning to tOSU for 2012.

That would be great if it happens and he can stay healthy next season. :)
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