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Cleveland Browns (2008 Season)

AJHawkfan;1365547; said:
I doubt you'd see this combination. Wasn't there quite a bit of bad blood between Mangini and Pioli stemming from the spygate incident?

You may be right. I think if Cowher passes, then Pioli will be hired first. He will then pick the HC. They worked together in NE and Mangenius is a quality coach. I think the Jets were foolish to AX him with one year left on his contract. The Browns need someone with HC experience. We cannot cut our teeth on another Coordinator with no HC experience.
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MililaniBuckeye;1365556; said:
The Cavaliers currently have the 2nd best record in the NBA at 26-4. Even if they don't win the NBA title, I'd say they're hardly "cursed".
You shouldn't say things like that or Lebron might break his leg in the next game. That is the curse of Cleveland.

Posted by Buckrock
You may be right. I think if Cowher passes, then Pioli will be hired first. He will then pick the HC. They worked together in NE and Mangenius is a quality coach. I think the Jets were foolish to AX him with one year left on his contract. The Browns need someone with HC experience. We cannot cut our teeth on another Coordinator with no HC experience.
Cowher has told Lerner in person that he does not want the Browns job. Now Lerner might be able to change his mind but I doubt it. Please read my prior post regarding a VP of Football Operations. That is what the Browns need before they hire anyone. I certainly hope that they would not hire a head coach before hiring a GM even if it is Pioli. That would be asinine.
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LitlBuck;1365525; said:
I would be interested in knowing who called the shots in Atlanta as far as who makes up the 53 man roster and if your coach has any input into who plays on Sunday because Savage really made all those decisions when he was with the Browns. Poor Romeo had to deal with the hand that was dealt him even when it came to who was going to be inactive on Sundays.

It's my understanding that this is totally done by the coaching staff.
To be honest - I think Dimitroff is in a position where he is taking some orders from the coach at this point.

1. here's what we need
2. here's what we expect
3. how soon can we get it and can we afford it
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Cowher tells Browns no; Pioli to be interviewed for GM
by Mary Kay Cabot/Plain Dealer Reporter
Monday December 29, 2008, 10:39 AM
Updated 11:26 a.m.

BEREA - Browns owner Randy Lerner said today that former Pittsburgh Steelers coach Bill Cowher told him he was not interested in joining the Browns.

Lerner met with the media this morning to announce that Romeo Crennel has been fired as head coach.

Speculation for his replacement had been centered on Cowher for several weeks, but Lerner said Monday that he met with Cowher on Saturday night and that Cowher said he would not return to coaching in 2009 and asked Lerner to take him off the Browns list of candidates.
Cowher told Lerner that he was comfortable with his lifestyle in North Carolina at this time.

Lerner said he's received permission to talk to New England Patriots Executive Vice President Scott Pioli and that he'll focus on the general manager role next.

Lerner said he's receiving permission to talk to another unnamed NFL exec. He appeared interested when informed that Eric Mangini had been fired by the New York Jets this morning. Mangini, a former Browns employee, worked with Pioli in New England.

Lerner admitted he's interested in Mangini, who began his career here under Bill Belichick. Lerner also said there's a chance Crennel could remain with the Browns as an assistant coach.

Lerner said he met with Cowher in New York.


Interesting to note that Romeo might still be with the Browns organization next year in some capacity. Possibly if Mangini would get hired and have Romeo as his DC but I don't know if I like that or not. Same could be true if McDaniels was brought in as HC. There is a personnel guy in New England that is from the Cleveland area that could be a backup to Pioli.
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Shoot, I should have posted in this thread weeks ago, but they never stood a chance at getting Cowher. Our family is good friends with John DeMaine, Cowher's cord guy for a number of years and then his "good luck charm" after the NFL went wireless. Cowher doesn't want any coaching positions until his daughters are out of school :(

Heres the plan: Hire an even crummier coach than Crennel to bide time, then come back to Cowher when the time is right =)
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tsteele316;1365403; said:
crennel officially fired.

Cleveland Browns fire Romeo Crennel - Cleveland Browns football NFL News - cleveland.com

rumors out of NY are that with mangini getting the axe today as well, that cleveland's new regime is going to be pioli as GM, Josh McDaniels as HC, and Mangini as DC.

That wouldn't suck at all.

Apparently Savage was offered what equated to his old position at Baltimore and he said no.
That, I could get behind. Honestly though, I pretty much expect failure no matter who they hire.

Buckrock;1365493; said:
Scott Pioli as VP football operations. Eric Mangini as HC?

ysubuck;1365502; said:
Chris Mortensen is reporting that Lerner met with Cowher on Saturday and Cowher told him that he isn't interested in coaching in 2009.

Mort did report, however, that Cowher would LISTEN to offers.

I'm guessing Cowher doesn't want to coach the Browns.
Can you blame him?

MaxBuck;1365786; said:
Romeo Crennel may or may not be an adequate NFL head coach, but his comments following his dismissal cement his reputation as one of the classiest guys around.

He's not. Helluva nice guy, just not a head coach.

10 seasons in and starting over for the 3rd time. Huzzah!
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MililaniBuckeye;1365556; said:
The Cavaliers currently have the 2nd best record in the NBA at 26-4. Even if they don't win the NBA title, I'd say they're hardly "cursed".

Come on Mili!!

Jordan over Ehlo?????????????????? Don't tell me they aren't cursed.

Modell moves the team to Baltimore and they win the title within what 5 years??

There's a black cloud hanging over the sports teams in that city!!

The Cavs won't just not win the title. They'll get within one shot of the title only to lose it on some fucked up play.
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ysubuck;1365819; said:
Come on Mili!!

Jordan over Ehlo?????????????????? Don't tell me they aren't cursed.

Modell moves the team to Baltimore and they win the title within what 5 years??

There's a black cloud hanging over the sports teams in that city!!

The Cavs won't just not win the title. They'll get within one shot of the title only to lose it on some fucked up play.

The Cavs aren't the only team that Jordan has done that to. Had some dipshit no-name bench player hit that shot, instead of the greatest player of all-time, then you would have a point.

As for the Browns, they came close to getting the Super Bowl three times in the '80s, but none of those losses came due to some fluke play ala The Emaculate Reception (Steelers/Raiders). Elway lead The Drive to beat us in '86, but ended with something like 40 or 50 fourth-quarter combacks in his career. Even Byner's fumble was significant only due to the fact that Cleveland refused to die even when down big in the second half at Denver. Now, had the Browns been leading big only to choke the game away, then you could say they were cursed. Cursed teams don't refuse to die.
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MililaniBuckeye;1365830; said:
The Cavs aren't the only team that Jordan has done that to. Had some dipshit no-name bench player hit that shot, instead of the greatest player of all-time, then you would have a point.

As for the Browns, they came close to getting the Super Bowl three times in the '80s, but none of those losses came due to some fluke play ala The Emaculate Reception (Steelers/Raiders). Elway lead The Drive to beat us in '86, but ended with something like 40 or 50 fourth-quarter combacks in his career. Even Byner's fumble was significant only due to the fact that Cleveland refused to die even when down big in the second half at Denver. Now, had the Browns been leading big only to choke the game away, then you could say they were cursed. Cursed teams don't refuse to die.

Like in their one and only playoff appearance against the Steelers? God help me.

Ok. Then cursed in the fact that when they happen to be good then they come up against two of the best to ever play the game. Is that alright?:biggrin:
That fucking Byner. That fucking Jordan. That fucking Elway.

I just want one pro championship in Cleveland in something.
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ysubuck;1365880; said:
I just want one pro championship in Cleveland in something.

Relax, the Browns will get it back together. Maybe not to the Superbowl, but they'll be back as a contender.
Today was proof of the intention of management to get it right, getting rid of those who couldn't make it work.

Meanwhile down here nothing was changed. Mikey boy is counting on the fact that the Bengals "swept" the last half of the last half of the season. No need to change anything, especially something expensive like a general manager and/or a new coach. Maybe they should ask ND to let them take the strategic advantage off of their hands.
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Browns begin search for new coach

Cowher has told team he's not interested in wake of Crennel firing.

Associated Press

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cleveland's offseason has already begun with a disheartening loss. Bill Cowher is not interested in coaching the rebuilding Browns.
Following a 4-12 season that began with Cleveland pegged as one of the NFL's rising teams, the Browns fired coach Romeo Crennel on Monday, Dec. 29. The ouster came one day after General Manager Phil Savage was dismissed by owner Randy Lerner.
Crennel was one of three NFL coaches fired on Monday. After becoming the first NFL team to go 0-16, Detroit fired Rod Marinelli. And after N.Y. fell to AFC East champ Miami, the Jets fired Eric Mangini.
Cowher told Lerner he has no intention of returning to coaching in 2009.
"The explanation that he gave," Lerner said, "was that he was very focused on his kids and his life in North Carolina."
All in the family
The Browns may be shaking the Bill Parcells-Bill Belichick family tree again. (Crennel was from the Parcells-Belichick line, too).
They are talking to New England's Scott Pioli for the GM job. Pioli got his pro start in Cleveland in 1992 when Belichick hired him. And he married Parcells' daughter.
Belichick's offensive coordinator, Josh McDaniels, is on the owner's list of head coaching possibilities.
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This has bad news written all over it...never a good idea


Crennel could stay as aide Lerner says ex-coach isn't ruling out possibility
By Marla Ridenour
Beacon Journal sports writer

Published on Tuesday, Dec 30, 2008
BEREA: Romeo Crennel did not rule out accepting an assistant's position when owner Randy Lerner broached the idea after firing him as Browns coach Monday.
''There is a chance. I discussed that with him,'' Lerner said. ''I asked him specifically if there were circumstances under which he'd be interested in coaching at the Browns and he said there were.
''I get along very well with Romeo. It's a very important relationship for me and he knows that. He's a gentleman through and through. He said he understood, and wanted to wait and see what happens around here.''
Crennel and General Manager Phil Savage were let go after compiling a 24-40 record in four years, including 4-12 in 2008, the third season with double-digit losses.
But Crennel has three years remaining on a contract that pays him $4 million a year and could accept the defensive coordinator's job if Lerner lands New England Patriots Vice President of Player Personnel Scott Pioli as general manager. In that instance, Pioli could hire a current or former Patriots assistant like offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels or Eric Mangini, just fired as New York Jets coach.
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