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Cleveland Browns (2008 Season)

Assuming Pioli comes aboard as GM, here's my current wishlist for next HC...
1. Cowher (I know, not happening...it's a wishlist)
2. Shanahan (knows how to get the best out of the talent he has and is a proven winner, recent failures a bit of a concern though)
3. Josh McDaniels (young, energetic, brilliant offensive mind, pair him with a good DC)
4. Steve Spagnuolo (architect of Giants beastly defenses)
5. Jim Fassel (runs a tight ship, has won in the past)
6. Jim Schwartz (another bright defensive mind with a good coaching pedigree)
7. Mangini (I think he got a raw deal in NY and is a pretty damn good coach)
8. Billick (Hated him with the Ratbirds, but he won a lot of games with marginal to bad offensive teams)

names I've heard and want to avoid: Martz, Marty.
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Another good Pioli Article....

Why Pioli-to-Browns will happen


Scott Pioli would be a good fit as general manager of the Cleveland Browns, where he was an employee from 1992 to '95.
Icon SMI

The NFL's hiring and firing season can be a confusing swirl of speculation, conjecture and misinformation, but sometimes a marriage of team and candidate just makes too much sense not to happen. Like Scott Pioli becoming the next general manager of the Cleveland Browns.
At this point, all we definitively know is Pioli, New England's vice president of player personnel, has been given permission by the Patriots to interview for the Browns GM job, and that Cleveland owner Randy Lerner has made landing Pioli his top, full-steam-ahead priority. Though a specific timetable for Pioli's interview with the Browns is not yet known, I'd say any minute now is a reasonably accurate window. And it won't take long for the two sides to strike a deal. In fact, if Pioli is not the Browns new decision-maker by the end of the week, I'd be shocked.
My confidence in this particular case of match-making is based on many factors, not the least of which is these two: After years of being considered one of the league's best general manager candidates, Pioli is finally ready to make the jump from New England, should the right offer come along. And the Browns, after the debacle of their 2008 season, are most definitely ready to welcome a savior. That's why Lerner won't stop at anything to ensure that he makes Pioli "the right offer.''
Cleveland is by no means the perfect job for Pioli. I believe he'd rather be hired by an NFC team, if only to avoid the specter of competing against both Bill Belichick's Patriots and his father-in-law's Dolphins (Pioli is married to the daughter of Bill Parcells). But Pioli can't control the fact the short-sighted Lions opted to not even give him a phone call before they promoted Martin Mayhew to general manager Monday, or that St. Louis will go with Billy Devaney as a one-year GM while the franchise remains for sale.
When all is said and done with the game of general manager musical chairs unfolding in the NFL, Pioli is expected to interview with the Browns and probably the Chiefs, the other team that has him atop its wish list. And while Kansas City may be attractive to him given the Chiefs' patient and stable ownership situation, plus the easier assignment of competing in the AFC West, there's something that convinces me Cleveland will be Pioli's new place of employment.
Pioli's ties to the city can't be underestimated. He cut his NFL teeth working for the old Browns as a personnel assistant from 1992 to '95, on what turned out to be something of an all-star front office cast led by Belichick as head coach. He likes Cleveland, has a close friendship with Indians general manager Mark Shapiro and has long considered restoring the Browns to prominence one of the most intriguing challenges in the NFL.
It wouldn't hurt, of course, that Pioli might bring the Browns new head coach along with him from New England. Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels is a native of Canton, Ohio, and Pioli and he as a package deal would mean another key hire steeped in the Patriot Way. That would allow the new Browns regime to hit the ground running without much of a transition or learning curve.
My guess is at this point Lerner really only has to sell Pioli on Lerner. The two know each other, but not well, and what each man has to determine in the course of an interview is how quickly a comfort zone develops between them. Because there's plenty of work to be done in Cleveland, where Pioli would be granted autonomy in personnel decision-making and likely command a salary in excess of $3 million per year.

Entire article: Why Pioli-to-Browns will happen - Don Banks - SI.com
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2009 Opponents...

2009 opponents


The opponents for all 2009 regular-season games have been determined and a complete list of each team's home and away matchups was issued today by the NFL.
The scheduling formula implemented in 2002 with realignment guarantees that all teams play each other on a regular, rotating basis.
Here are the Browns' 2009 opponents
Baltimore Ravens, Cincinnati Bengals, Pittsburgh Steelers, Oakland Raiders, San Diego Chargers, Jacksonville Jaguars, Green Bay Packers, Minnesota Vikings
Baltimore Ravens, Cincinnati Bengals, Pittsburgh Steelers, Denver Broncos, Kansas City Chiefs, Buffalo Bills, Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions

The Browns play the entire AFC West, the entire NFC North and play the Bills and Jaguars based on this year's finish.

Cleveland Browns | 2009 opponents

Schedule looks much more easy to navigate than this season's.
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Thought you guys might have a good laugh at this.

The NFL Forums

Romeo Crennel firing motivated by race?
Here you had a coach of the Cleveland Browns that was taking his team in the right direction. Butch Davis never won 10 games with the Browns yet Romeo Crennel did. He was given a contract extension last year but is fired after a year where the Browns were riddled by injuries, clearly not Crennel's fault.

I have to conclude this firing was racially-motivated.

The Rooney Rule is useless if teams can just fire coaches without reason. They should have a revision where all minority candidates hired as a head coach should be given 5-year job security guaranteed. This is simply ridiculous.

..pretty sure he's being serious. If you read the thread, he throws out a couple other ridiculous opinions.
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Romeo Crennel firing motivated by race?
Here you had a coach of the Cleveland Browns that was taking his team in the right direction. Butch Davis never won 10 games with the Browns yet Romeo Crennel did. He was given a contract extension last year but is fired after a year where the Browns were riddled by injuries, clearly not Crennel's fault.

I have to conclude this firing was racially-motivated.

The Rooney Rule is useless if teams can just fire coaches without reason. They should have a revision where all minority candidates hired as a head coach should be given 5-year job security guaranteed. This is simply ridiculous.
Taking the team in the right direction? Is this douchebag fucking serious? They sucked before all the injuries and the team fucking quit on him. Some people shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

I have to conclude this guy is a fucking retard.
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NFBuck;1367071; said:
Taking the team in the right direction? Is this douchebag fucking serious? They sucked before all the injuries and the team fucking quit on him. Some people shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

I have to conclude this guy is a fucking retard.

Yup. He later says something that kind of makes it sound like part of the reason Savage got fired was because he is Christian, and Lerner is Jewish.

He's a Raider fan. I guess we shouldn't be surprised.

Here's what he said, after he didn't pick up my blatant sarcasm (I said that the Browns were racist against both blacks and whites, and that Savage was fired because he was white).

Phil Savage was fired because Randy Lerner was threatened by his strong and open Christian faith. Lerner is Jewish while Savage is Christian.

Savage created a stir when he stated "we want Christian players who can play football well.”
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NFBuck;1367059; said:
Assuming Pioli comes aboard as GM, here's my current wishlist for next HC...
1. Cowher (I know, not happening...it's a wishlist)
2. Shanahan (knows how to get the best out of the talent he has and is a proven winner, recent failures a bit of a concern though)
3. Josh McDaniels (young, energetic, brilliant offensive mind, pair him with a good DC)
4. Steve Spagnuolo (architect of Giants beastly defenses)
5. Jim Fassel (runs a tight ship, has won in the past)
6. Jim Schwartz (another bright defensive mind with a good coaching pedigree)
7. Mangini (I think he got a raw deal in NY and is a pretty damn good coach)
8. Billick (Hated him with the Ratbirds, but he won a lot of games with marginal to bad offensive teams)

names I've heard and want to avoid: Martz, Marty.

What? No Jerry Glanville? :biggrin: And psst... it's a secret but they will announce Jim Tressel as the new coach next Tuesday. I heard it from the UPS guy so it must be true. :wink:
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NFBuck;1367059; said:
Assuming Pioli comes aboard as GM, here's my current wishlist for next HC...
1. Cowher (I know, not happening...it's a wishlist)
2. Shanahan (knows how to get the best out of the talent he has and is a proven winner, recent failures a bit of a concern though)
3. Josh McDaniels (young, energetic, brilliant offensive mind, pair him with a good DC)
4. Steve Spagnuolo (architect of Giants beastly defenses)
5. Jim Fassel (runs a tight ship, has won in the past)
6. Jim Schwartz (another bright defensive mind with a good coaching pedigree)
7. Mangini (I think he got a raw deal in NY and is a pretty damn good coach)
8. Billick (Hated him with the Ratbirds, but he won a lot of games with marginal to bad offensive teams)

names I've heard and want to avoid: Martz, Marty.
I don't know if I would put it Shanahan that high on my list. I really don't know when he has done lately but the AFC West has not always been the most powerful conference plus he won quite a few of those games were Elway. I would also put Schwartz a little higher on my list. I have heard that he wants the job been used to work for the Browns. McDaniels is awfully young and that just makes me wonder. However, saying all of that, if Pioli becomes the GM I think that Mangini will be the new HC.
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New York state of mind: Browns to talk with ex-Jet Mangini, Giants' Spagnuolo for vacancy
by Mary Kay Cabot/Plain Dealer Reporter
Tuesday December 30, 2008, 9:55 PM

CLEVELAND -- The Browns will interview fired Jets coach Eric Mangini and Giants defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo this week, league sources said on Tuesday.

Mangini, 37, will most likely be interviewed Wednesday, a source told The Plain Dealer, and Spagnuolo will most likely be interviewed Thursday or Saturday, the New York Daily News reported. The Browns are one of three teams that have asked for and received permission to interview Spagnuolo, who is on a bye before the playoffs. The other interested teams are the Jets and Lions. Spagnuolo will talk to the Jets on Saturday and may do all three interviews the same day.

The Browns are also trying to get permission to talk to some of their other candidates, including Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels, Cowboys offensive coordinator Jason Garrett and Titans defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz. It is not yet known if they'll be interested in fired Broncos coach Mike Shanahan.

Mangini, who began his NFL career in Cleveland in 1994 as a ball boy and public relations assistant, would be an intriguing candidate because he has experience as a defensive coordinator and three years' experience as head coach of the Jets, where he went 23-25 and 0-1 in the playoffs, with two winning seasons.

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Atlanta's McKay joins Patriots' Pioli as Browns' top front-office targets
by Tony Grossi/Plain Dealer Reporter
Tuesday December 30, 2008, 7:40 PM
UPDATED: 7:36 p.m.

Browns owner Randy Lerner is intensifying his search for a new chief football executive.

Sources said Lerner has interviews lined up Wednesday and Thursday with his top two choices to reshape his football operation -- New England's Scott Pioli and Atlanta's Rich McKay.

Pioli is the only executive so far identified by Lerner on his wish list. But McKay's name has been recommended to Lerner by some NFL executives and he is coming on strong as a viable candidate.

Lerner has received permission from Falcons owner Arthur Blank to talk with McKay, the team's president.

Lerner is able to interview McKay while the Falcons are still involved in the playoffs because club executives are not subjected to the same league restrictions as coaches.

One league source said that McKay has been longing to return to his passion of supervising a football operation after spending the past year minding all business operations for the Falcons.

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If Pioli gets Cleveland Browns job, could Ferentz be in line to coach?
by Mary Kay Cabot
Tuesday December 30, 2008, 4:37 PM

CLEVELAND -- New England Patriots VP Scott Pioli's first choice for head coach of the Browns would be former Browns assistant and current Iowa head coach Kirk Ferentz, the Boston Herald reported Tuesday.

The Herald, citing unnamed sources, said Pioli would call upon his former Browns colleague to replace fired coach Romeo Crennel. Pioli is expected to interview for the Browns' general manager job on Wednesday.
But Pioli is believed to have several candidates in mind, including Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels, whom he hired in 2001 as a personnel and coaching assistant.

Pioli and Ferentz worked together for three seasons in Cleveland, where Ferentz was offensive line coach. They also spent a season together in Baltimore after the team moved there in 1996. The two developed a close friendship in Cleveland and have maintained it.

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I just hope they don't make the mistake of hiring some offensive or defensive guru. Being a great coordinator and HC are 2 different things. I wouldn't mind a retread like Marty or Skeletor for that reason. They deserately need someone in that job who can make the trains run on time.
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I just hope they don't make the mistake of hiring some offensive or defensive guru. Being a great coordinator and HC are 2 different things. I wouldn't mind a retread like Marty or Skeletor for that reason. They deserately need someone in that job who can make the trains run on time.
That and...

I'm also weary of hiring some 'hot name' college coach, as mentioned in the previous article (Ferentz :sick1:)
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OHSportsFan9;1367250; said:
That and...

I'm also weary of hiring some 'hot name' college coach, as mentioned in the previous article (Ferentz :sick1:)

Ferentz is a good football coach. Unfortunately he has not been hot for years. Urban Meyer is the hot college name being considered. Pioli if named GM would do the picking. His relationship with Ferentz stated above would get him a look.

I think the Browns are looking for a HC with previous experience or a Top name Coordinator (Ryan, Schwatz etc.). Not a college guy. It will get interesting.
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