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Cleveland Browns (2008 Season)

If it becomes true and the Browns hire the Pioli as the GM and McDaniels as the new HC I have problems with that. I am tired of getting guys from the Patriots because it is my feeling that Bill B it is the brain behind that entire operation or at least most of it. All you have to do is look at fat Charlie and Romeo and you can see how much the Patriots went downhill after they left. There was no effect at all. Bill was the brains not those guys.

I would like Floyd Reese to be our new General Manager. He built the Titans into what they are now and if they are going to hire a coordinator as their new HC I would like to see them look at some other guys who have some fire in their belly.

I really didn't understand all the love that you guys were giving Savage:!. He did not draft very well and locked guys into long-term deals that we are stuck with.
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LitlBuck;1365453; said:
If it becomes true and the Browns hire the Pioli as the GM and McDaniels as the new HC I have problems with that. I am tired of getting guys from the Patriots because it is my feeling that Bill B it is the brain behind that entire operation or at least most of it. All you have to do is look at fat Charlie and Romeo and you can see how much the Patriots went downhill after they left. There was no effect at all. Bill was the brains not those guys.

I would like Floyd Reese to be our new General Manager. He built the Titans into what they are now and if they are going to hire a coordinator as their new HC I would like to see them look at some other guys who have some fire in their belly.

I really didn't understand all the love that you guys were giving Savage:!. He did not draft very well and locked guys into long-term deals that we are stuck with.

ask falcons fans how they like dimitroff after one season.

and pass on reese. 13 years, only 4 above .500 seasons, with one of the better coaches in the nfl, and he was the mastermind that drafted pacman jones and vince young.
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tsteele316;1365455; said:
ask falcons fans how they like dimitroff after one season.

and pass on reese. 13 years, only 4 above .500 seasons, with one of the better coaches in the nfl, and he was the mastermind that drafted pacman jones and vince young.
I guess I would like to have a guy with a little more experience at GM. If not Reese I guess I would like to know who you would like to see get the job. It's just that I'm getting tired of being new England's stepchild.

Look at the Titans defense and Young was very good his first year. Forget Jones:!
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exhawg;1365433; said:
It's amazing how a guy can go from genius to failure in 1 season.

This is just my opinion, but I never thought that Chud was a genius. I think last season was an exception rather than a rule.

I always said that the Browns were "fake" good last year. Last year was an aberration sprinkled with a little reality (see the Bengals game that they needed to win to go to the playoffs).

Anderson played well last year. Winslow was alright. Edwards played well. Jamal Lewis was playing for a contract. They showed that they might be capable of some good things. Last year was a surprise because NOBODY thought that the Browns would be any good. There were no expectations so there was no pressure.

Well the pressure was on this year because fans (myself included) let themselves develop some pretty lofty expectations after last year. This season we got to see what players like Braylon Edwards and Derek Anderson are made of. Anderson is a turn over machine and Edwards only plays when he feels like it. Couple that with some injuries and a very weak defense and you get what we just had.

There is a culture of losing within the Cleveland Browns football organization that has been nurtured over the course of decades and it is going to take time to overcome that. Any holdover from this past season gives the indication that something was right with the 2008 Cleveland Browns. You can't fire the players so the coaches are the ones who have to take the hit. The whole staff needs to go.

The new Browns need to have a philosophy. An identity. Who are we going to be? The Ravens and Steelers do it with defense and solid offense. Nothing special on offense, mind you, just solid. If that's who you are going to be you draft to that philosophy and coach to that philosophy. Now that was hard to do this season as injuries mounted, but they weren't winning when they were healthy.

The front office and the head coach need to be on the same page. The coach has a vision for the team and the GM gets the talent to fulfill that vision. That's why I was against the drafting of Braylon Edwards from the get go. Edwards had attitude issues at UM and he dropped balls at UM. Guess what? He has attitude issues in Cleveland and leads the galaxy in dropped passes. Why bring a guy like that into your organization? The Browns draft the best player available (in their eyes) and don't get guys that fit their identity or their system because they don't have one.

The Patriots and Steelers meanwhile continue to win despite injuries and a system that is supposed to promote parity in the NFL. Why? Because they have a philosophy that they stick to and they have leaders in their locker room. Who are the leaders on the Cleveland Browns? The GM who sends profane e mails to fans? The coach who says that he has no intention of benching Derek Anderson only to bench him two hours later?

Burn it down and build it again (again).
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LitlBuck;1365464; said:
I guess I would like to have a guy with a little more experience at GM. If not Reese I guess I would like to know who you would like to see get the job. It's just that I'm getting tired of being new England's stepchild.

Look at the Titans defense and Young was very good his first year. Forget Jones:!

like i said, dimitroff had less experience in a gm capacity than pioli does, was from the patriots organization, and look what he did to turn around atlanta.

tennessee won despite young in his rookie season.
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tsteele316;1365472; said:
like i said, dimitroff had less experience in a gm capacity than pioli does, was from the patriots organization, and look what he did to turn around atlanta.

tennessee won despite young in his rookie season.
I take it from that response that you would hire Pioli as the Browns GM. He is not the same person as the Atlanta GM side don't know why you keep comparing them except for their ages. I just would like to see someone with a little more experience.
The new Browns need to have a philosophy. An identity
Excellent point. We get a big-time running back (Lewis) and have a finesse OL who is better at pass blocking. You are correct about establishing an identity both on offense and defense especially in our division.
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Chris Mortensen is reporting that Lerner met with Cowher on Saturday and Cowher told him that he isn't interested in coaching in 2009.

Mort did report, however, that Cowher would LISTEN to offers.

I'm guessing Cowher doesn't want to coach the Browns.
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tsteele316;1365472; said:
like i said, dimitroff had less experience in a gm capacity than pioli does, was from the patriots organization, and look what he did to turn around atlanta.

tennessee won despite young in his rookie season.

My opinion as a Falcon fan my opinion is likely not wanted in the Browns thread - but I'll clarify this point quickly.

The Falcons have "co" GM's. Dimitroff's job is essentially a Director of Talent and Scouting. All he is responsible for is player evaluation and draft day prep. He puts together the war room, handles free agency and works with the Coaching staff to address areas of need and depth issues.

Rich McKay (former GM) is there to handle all money and marketing issues. He does dome box seat sales, coordinates all promotions, negotiates TV appearences, handles ticket pricing and is responsible for the costing of dome renovations (on going project).

Having the split duties has yielded great results - thus far.
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A VP of Football Operations is a level that does not currently exist in the Browns organization and is probably the cause of a lot of the problems. He would hire the GM and HC and I do not think that I want a young pup doing that for the Browns right now.

Also, the guy from Atlanta used to work under Pioli but the person who called all the personnel shots in New England was none other than Bill B. We need to do something like they have done in Atlanta and get away from one person having so much personnel responsibilities/power. We also need someone who knows football to be right below Lerner (VP of Football Operations) since Lerner is not really in the United States that much. That is how Savage got out of control this year with his PR blunder and the Winslow fiasco.
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BigWoof31;1365507; said:
My opinion as a Falcon fan my opinion is likely not wanted in the Browns thread - but I'll clarify this point quickly.

The Falcons have "co" GM's. Dimitroff's job is essentially a Director of Talent and Scouting. All he is responsible for is player evaluation and draft day prep. He puts together the war room, handles free agency and works with the Coaching staff to address areas of need and depth issues.

Rich McKay (former GM) is there to handle all money and marketing issues. He does dome box seat sales, coordinates all promotions, negotiates TV appearences, handles ticket pricing and is responsible for the costing of dome renovations (on going project).

Having the split duties has yielded great results - thus far.
I would be interested in knowing who called the shots in Atlanta as far as who makes up the 53 man roster and if your coach has any input into who plays on Sunday because Savage really made all those decisions when he was with the Browns. Poor Romeo had to deal with the hand that was dealt him even when it came to who was going to be inactive on Sundays.
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