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Cincinnati Bengals (Just Burrow In)

The guys on the O-line we bought held their own. The two we drafted.......not so much.

I have no idea why this team can not draft reliable O-lineman.

And TEs. We can't draft them either.
Well we don't draft TE at all, that's a big part of the problem. Not drafting good OL is another problem altogether, we try but we suck at it. Just shrug the shoulders and hope for a good draft next year I guess.
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Well we don't draft TE at all, that's a big part of the problem. Not drafting good OL is another problem altogether, we try but we suck at it. Just shrug the shoulders and hope for a good draft next year I guess.
Sounds like a coaching deficiency to me. The free agents have had competent coaching elsewhere so they know how to be effective, while the draftees are being introduced to the professional ranks by incompetent coaches.
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Sounds like a coaching deficiency to me. The free agents have had competent coaching elsewhere so they know how to be effective, while the draftees are being introduced to the professional ranks by incompetent coaches.
It has to be, I was telling my dad that. We bring in guys that played very well at a high level on other teams, then they get here and have issues. I will say Karras has been very good and Cappa as well. Brown is struggling against speed rush at LT and that was something of concern coming in tbh. Jonah Williams is hot garbage as always and after a promising rookie season, Volson looks terrible.

A good OL coach would have this unit performing much better...might be time to part ways with Pollack, no sense in keeping him right now. And frankly Taylor might be gone before the end of the season if this keeps up given the talent on the roster.
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Not sure what I'd do as a Bengal coach right now. He surely can't survive a whole season back there but, they could technically still win the division and get to where they wanted to this year if they turn it around. They could also get Joe fucking killed.
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Not sure what I'd do as a Bengal coach right now. He surely can't survive a whole season back there but, they could technically still win the division and get to where they wanted to this year if they turn it around. They could also get Joe fucking killed.
I didn't see the game, but in the part I listened to in the 2nd quarter, Dan Hoard said, "They are not just hitting him, they are slamming him to the ground. They've done that several times already." :grr:
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Mark Schlereth met with Burrow and Zac Taylor before doing the Titans game. He explains how Burrow's injury limits the offense and makes it easy for defenses to predict what's coming as the game goes along. It stars at 7:20. I skipped to that part of the podcast

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