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Cincinnati Bengals (Just Burrow In)

Bench Burrow for the rest of the season, draft Marvin Harrison Jr., and let Tee Higgins go his own way?
If we lose against Arizona or Seattle, then yes. Season is over if we don't win the next two games and I am souring on Higgins more each week that goes along, he is not performing and also not behaving like a professional. Part of that is probably attributable to poor results for the team, but he needs to step up and be a leader, not be part of the problem. I think we'll know how this season will go after today, for the better or the worse.
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Didn't get to watch much of the game, but the Bengals looked pretty ridiculous when I watched. Felt like I was watching a Chase highlight reel. I think I saw all of his plays and the INT return, and no other plays.. haha

Was good to see the ball look like Joey B was throwing it again.
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This was the first week Burrow played without an injury designation and he looks like Joe Burrow.

Meanwhile, Chase is setting team single-game receiving records.

If they hang on for the win they'll be a game back in the division.
Burrow was completely back to form, thank the heavens. Arizona is a bad team, but we played really well. Just beat Seattle and coming off the bye week we have a shot.
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Somehow back to .500 going into the bye. The offense was dreadful after the first quarter today. They really need to figure this out stat.
I attribute that to the 2 weeks the Chickenhawks' defense had to rest and prepare due to their bye week.

Bengals could use a more balanced attack. I would think the first two drives would have set up the running game, but Mixon only had 12 carries.
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Well, a loss would have been a disaster, but still the lack of the offense playing a complete game is a concern. They score 2 TDs in 2 possessions and then can't do shit. Burrow gets a short field after the INT and goes 3 incompletions in a row. After the bye, you just hope he's finally 100% and the offense will click. But time is running out of excuses.
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The O-line is still not playing well. Once again the players we bought are much better than the ones we drafted. Hopefully, Brown's groin injury isn't serious. There's no margin for error with this group.

Despite receiving massive criticism and even acknowledging it's a problem, Zac still abandons the run game much too quickly.

Our defense plays lights out in the Red Zone. Between the 20's its a seive. Why are we able to stop the run, affect the opposing QB and defend WRs near the goal line but out at midfield we look like a Chinese fire drill?

I agree with the other posters here, the bye is coming at the right time. Burrow's calf obviously needs more rest and Zac needs to reevaluate a few things like play calling and defensive schemes.

Our next few games are brutal.
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The O-line is still not playing well. Once again the players we bought are much better than the ones we drafted. Hopefully, Brown's groin injury isn't serious. There's no margin for error with this group.

Despite receiving massive criticism and even acknowledging it's a problem, Zac still abandons the run game much too quickly.

Our defense plays lights out in the Red Zone. Between the 20's its a seive. Why are we able to stop the run, affect the opposing QB and defend WRs near the goal line but out at midfield we look like a Chinese fire drill?

I agree with the other posters here, the bye is coming at the right time. Burrow's calf obviously needs more rest and Zac needs to reevaluate a few things like play calling and defensive schemes.

Our next few games are brutal.
Really every game except maybe 2-3 are brutal (Colts, Vikings and maybe Texans should be the only exceptions). My biggest concern with our start was the second half of the slate.. but for whatever reason we play better against good competition, so I'm not too gloomy moving forward.

I actually think the OL is starting to play much better than any point of the last couple of years, but that's just the last couple of games. Brown is an upgrade at LT if healthy, Karras and Cappa are strong inside, and much to my surprise Jonah is playing well at RT. Volson is an absolute liability and Ford or Carman need to come in, no idea how he regressed like that from his very good rookie year...but we can't have him out there if that's what his season looks like.

Defense is finding their stride, love what I see from young guys like Turner and Hill, vets are regaining form. Offense has put them in bad spots repeatedly though. If the offense gets their shit together, the defense is a strength.

SF game could be a watershed moment and I wouldn't be surprised to come away with a win. But it'll be a tough one.
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