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Cincinnati Bengals (Just Burrow In)

Good quality win tonight. These Rams won rather easily in Seattle and gave the 9'ers by far their toughest game, so things are looking up. Comparing this game to their game last week, 9'ers got 1 sack, Bengals got 6. Stafford, Nacua and their offense had a much better day against SF.

I believe the Bengals are now 2-0 against the Rams on Monday Night Football. The other game featured that terrible '78 team beating them in the Coliseum 20-19 to make L.A. 11-4. I remember telling a Rams fan the final score on the school bus the next morning, and he refused to believe me. Lol, I have no idea why I still remember that.
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Good quality win tonight. These Rams won rather easily in Seattle and gave the 9'ers by far their toughest game, so things are looking up. Comparing this game to their game last week, 9'ers got 1 sack, Bengals got 6. Stafford, Nacua and their offense had a much better day against SF.

I believe the Bengals are now 2-0 against the Rams on Monday Night Football. The other game featured that terrible '78 team beating them in the Coliseum 20-19 to make L.A. 11-4. I remember telling a Rams fan the final score on the school bus the next morning, and he refused to believe me. Lol, I have no idea why I still remember that.
I remember watching that game at a friend's house. He was a Rams fan and texted me yesterday saying he hoped Burrow would be well enough to play. He wanted to beat us at full strength.

If I'm not mistaken, that was when Homer Rice was coaching the Bengals.
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To state the obvious, massive game from Henderson and the defense as a whole. Defense really got the W for us there. The Rams appear to be a solid team, so it was indeed a quality win. Mixon had a good game and stepped up when we needed him, the OL was getting after it down there.

Burrow is clearly not healthy though and it is showing...the OL is getting it done (against any DL not named Aaron Donald) but Joe is clearly having trouble planting when he throws and it is limiting his velocity and ability to get the ball downfield. I wish we had a bye coming up, but we are going to have to wait a bit on that and hope the calf gets better with rest during the week before the game.

Just glad to be 1-2, if it were 0-3 season is basically over. If we can somehow come out with a win against Tennessee next week, maybe we can play Browning against Arizona and then we have a bye after the Seattle game. Hopefully that is enough to get Burrow enough time to heal up for the second half of the season.
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Logic dictates the Bengals rest Burrow until the 49'ers a month from now. Browning and that D give them enough of a shot at beating these next 3 opponents. Four weeks of rest 'n rehab = Joey B at 100%, if again rusty. Let's say they are 3 and 3 heading into the bye week. If they lose to the 9'ers and Bills, then beat Houston, they're 4-5 and Burrow should have his rhythm and accuracy going again. I see almost no reason they couldn't run the table from the Baltimore game and end up 12 and 5. They ended last year with an 8-game (could have been 9) winning streak, folks. It's how they role.

He didn't limp last night like he did last week, so maybe the calf is slowly improving. But he didn't seem to have the usual zip on the ball and remember the interception in the 4th quarter... I say rest him and still win 2 or 3 of these next 3 games and take the risk that he'll need a couple weeks to knock the rust off after the bye week.
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Logic dictates the Bengals rest Burrow until the 49'ers a month from now. Browning and that D give them enough of a shot at beating these next 3 opponents. Four weeks of rest 'n rehab = Joey B at 100%, if again rusty. Let's say they are 3 and 3 heading into the bye week. If they lose to the 9'ers and Bills, then beat Houston, they're 4-5 and Burrow should have his rhythm and accuracy going again. I see almost no reason they couldn't run the table from the Baltimore game and end up 12 and 5. They ended last year with an 8-game (could have been 9) winning streak, folks. It's how they role.

He didn't limp last night like he did last week, so maybe the calf is slowly improving. But he didn't seem to have the usual zip on the ball and remember the interception in the 4th quarter... I say rest him and still win 2 or 3 of these next 3 games and take the risk that he'll need a couple weeks to knock the rust off after the bye week.
Mostly agree on this, but maybe not holding him out quite that long depending on how he progresses. We can win the next game with Browning against Tennessee if the defense keeps it up, though it would be a real toss-up. Browning is not a terrible QB. We can most definitely beat Arizona with Browning in the next game as well. But if he's to full health by the Seattle game, we may need him there and especially if the next couple games go south.

That said, I get the logic In waiting until SF since you get the extra week on the bye after Seattle. My concern is most definitely rust, you saw it the first game after resting pretty much the whole summer. That of course pails in comparison to him getting hurt for the rest of the season, but I trust the staff and regular evaluations to assess if worsening the injury is a real threat. If we go Browning the next three games, winning two would be huge going into the bye.
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Apparently Burrow has been full go since Wednesday in practice, good news. Apparently he will start on Sunday. I know nothing about managing calf injuries for a QB, but hopefully it is something that will keep improving with some management of reps in practice. Everything I have read is that a minor-moderate calf strain takes anywhere from 2-6 weeks to recover from, but I'm not going to play internet doctor and have no idea how severe the injury is. So I will trust the staff and medical team here, they wouldn't risk hurting Burrow for the long haul if there was legitimate concern that could happen.
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Welp, here comes 1-3. OL can't fucking pass block if our OLs families lives were at stake. Once again it looks like Burrow is going to get killed in a matter of time, nothing has been fixed. Defense is falling apart knowing our offense can't get it done. Fold it up and look to next year I guess.
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