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Cincinnati Bengals (Just Burrow In)

Started 0-2 DIV last year as well.
The second loss last year was to the Cowboys. Same as today, the offense only managed 3 first half points, then made a game of it in the second half and lost by 3. Slow start cost them (nothing has changed). I would think they'll be okay except for Burrow's calf issue.

Tight coverage by the Bengals secondary today but Lamar was on target every pass I saw him throw. Their season depends on his health, of course.
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I’m not too worried….. yet. Slow starts are nothing new. At least the offense showed signs of life and they easily could have won this game but for a small handful of mistakes.
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What happened to Joe? I watched most of the game, but I had to go work when he was injured.
Came up limping hard after the TD pass to Higgins while rolling out. Clearly re injured his calf. Had the Bengal’s gotten the ball back I’m not 100% sure he could have gone. I say shut him down for as long as it takes. If they keep pushing it he is going to snap the Achilles like KD did. It’s week 2 and I’m ready to punt on this season.
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Came up limping hard after the TD pass to Higgins while rolling out. Clearly re injured his calf. Had the Bengal’s gotten the ball back I’m not 100% sure he could have gone. I say shut him down for as long as it takes. If they keep pushing it he is going to snap the Achilles like KD did. It’s week 2 and I’m ready to punt on this season.
WLW's guys also warned of this, but their example was Aaron Rogers, who had a "minor" calf injury in training several months ago. I wouldn't mind if they shut him down either.
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WLW's guys also warned of this, but their example was Aaron Rogers, who had a "minor" calf injury in training several months ago. I wouldn't mind if they shut him down either.
I don't want Joe to get hurt any worse, love the guy. So if he risking a worse injury rather than just playing through a nagging injury, then get him out.

But if he sits out more than 1-2 games, realistically start planning for the 2024 season at this point. You can care for Burrow's health but also acknowledge that without him we are screwed (if we weren't already).

Not directed at you, just everyone telling me not to worry.
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So when I say that the bengals started '0-2 DIV', your mind doesn't think "hey, that might mean division?" Right then....
That is what I thought when I originally replied to your post, and that's why I clarified for ya that last year's second game was against the Cowboys. So I see where your confusion is sourced. You apparently believe the Cowboys are in the same division as the Bengals. Nope, they are in the NFC East.
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I don't want Joe to get hurt any worse, love the guy. So if he risking a worse injury rather than just playing through a nagging injury, then get him out.

But if he sits out more than 1-2 games, realistically start planning for the 2024 season at this point. You can care for Burrow's health but also acknowledge that without him we are screwed (if we weren't already).

Not directed at you, just everyone telling me not to worry.
Maybe even tank to add Marvin to the WR group in the next draft, lol. Although I think the league has a rule against tanking...
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So when I say that the bengals started '0-2 DIV', your mind doesn't think "hey, that might mean division?" Right then....
I think I see now - you were responding to my remark that "nothing has changed." All I was saying was the Bengals offense took a half game to get going, but got to within 3 to lose in both second games (2022 and 2023). The SLOW START game after game is a recurring theme we have discussed a lot in the Bengals forum.
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