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Cincinnati Bengals (Just Burrow In)

He should have not played week 1 and 2. They screwed themselves. Taylor should have saved Joe from himself. Joe was selfish playing .. .
Maybe, but tell me how many fans are going to be all for that after the contract he just got and they start 0-2 with Joe on the bench? Joe has always been a tough kid and a fighter so unless he can't walk he's going to play and the coaches have to keep him upright if at all possible.
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Why can't the Bengals run the damn ball?
66 yards rushing in Week 2 and 76 in the slop in Week 1?
Part of the problem is we are getting down early on in games and have to rely more on the pass. But the run blocking hasn't been spectacular and I don't think Mixon has been spectacular at all (and really we don't have much behind him). So really a combination of those things.
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Joe Burrow
Cincinnati Bengals

NFL Network’s Ian Rapoport reports Joe Burrow (calf) won’t be fully healthy “probably for some time”.
After tweaking his lingering calf injury in Week 2 against the Ravens, Burrow is iffy to suit up Monday night against the Rams. Bengals head coach Zac Taylor said Tuesday that he’s unsure whether Burrow will be a go for Week 3 and he’s not expected to practice until late in the week, if at all. Even if Burrow can gut it out, Rapoport said, he won’t be fully healthy for quite a while...

6h ago
Source: Ian Rapoport

And now there's this...

49ers & NFL News 24/7 @49ersSportsTalk
The Cincinnati #Bengals inquired with the #49ers regarding a potential trade for QB Brandon Allen, per source.
QB Joe Burrow dealing with a lingering calf injury and Cincy is considering adding Veteran QB depth.
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Burrow is clearly not healthy and this season could be going down the drain. McCarron unretired and played in the XFL this year.

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